Gene Review:
Dctn1 - dynactin 1
Rattus norvegicus
150 kDa dynein-associated polypeptide, DAP-150, DP-150, Dynactin subunit 1, p150-glued
- Human DCTN1: genomic structure and evaluation as a candidate for Alström syndrome. Collin, G.B., Nishina, P.M., Marshall, J.D., Naggert, J.K. Genomics (1998)
- Cytoplasmic dynein as a facilitator of nuclear envelope breakdown. Salina, D., Bodoor, K., Eckley, D.M., Schroer, T.A., Rattner, J.B., Burke, B. Cell (2002)
- Apoptotic cleavage of cytoplasmic dynein intermediate chain and p150(Glued) stops dynein-dependent membrane motility. Lane, J.D., Vergnolle, M.A., Woodman, P.G., Allan, V.J. J. Cell Biol. (2001)
- Cytoplasmic dynein and dynactin are required for the transport of microtubules into the axon. Ahmad, F.J., Echeverri, C.J., Vallee, R.B., Baas, P.W. J. Cell Biol. (1998)
- Molecular requirements for bi-directional movement of phagosomes along microtubules. Blocker, A., Severin, F.F., Burkhardt, J.K., Bingham, J.B., Yu, H., Olivo, J.C., Schroer, T.A., Hyman, A.A., Griffiths, G. J. Cell Biol. (1997)
- Regulation of intracellular trafficking of huntingtin-associated protein-1 is critical for TrkA protein levels and neurite outgrowth. Rong, J., McGuire, J.R., Fang, Z.H., Sheng, G., Shin, J.Y., Li, S.H., Li, X.J. J. Neurosci. (2006)
- Molecular characterization of the 50-kD subunit of dynactin reveals function for the complex in chromosome alignment and spindle organization during mitosis. Echeverri, C.J., Paschal, B.M., Vaughan, K.T., Vallee, R.B. J. Cell Biol. (1996)
- The p150Glued component of the dynactin complex binds to both microtubules and the actin-related protein centractin (Arp-1). Waterman-Storer, C.M., Karki, S., Holzbaur, E.L. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1995)
- Functional analysis of dynactin and cytoplasmic dynein in slow axonal transport. Dillman, J.F., Dabney, L.P., Karki, S., Paschal, B.M., Holzbaur, E.L., Pfister, K.K. J. Neurosci. (1996)
- Cytoplasmic dynein binds dynactin through a direct interaction between the intermediate chains and p150Glued. Vaughan, K.T., Vallee, R.B. J. Cell Biol. (1995)
- Huntingtin-associated protein 1 (HAP1) interacts with the p150Glued subunit of dynactin. Engelender, S., Sharp, A.H., Colomer, V., Tokito, M.K., Lanahan, A., Worley, P., Holzbaur, E.L., Ross, C.A. Hum. Mol. Genet. (1997)
- Identification and molecular characterization of the p24 dynactin light chain. Pfister, K.K., Benashski, S.E., Dillman, J.F., Patel-King, R.S., King, S.M. Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton (1998)
- Cytoplasmic dynein intermediate chain phosphorylation regulates binding to dynactin. Vaughan, P.S., Leszyk, J.D., Vaughan, K.T. J. Biol. Chem. (2001)
- Microtubule-dependent movement of late endocytic vesicles in vitro: requirements for Dynein and Kinesin. Bananis, E., Nath, S., Gordon, K., Satir, P., Stockert, R.J., Murray, J.W., Wolkoff, A.W. Mol. Biol. Cell (2004)
- Cytoplasmic dynein and dynactin as likely candidates for microtubule-dependent apical targeting of pancreatic zymogen granules. Kraemer, J., Schmitz, F., Drenckhahn, D. Eur. J. Cell Biol. (1999)
- Dynein and dynactin colocalize with AQP2 water channels in intracellular vesicles from kidney collecting duct. Marples, D., Schroer, T.A., Ahrens, N., Taylor, A., Knepper, M.A., Nielsen, S. Am. J. Physiol. (1998)
- Affinity chromatography demonstrates a direct binding between cytoplasmic dynein and the dynactin complex. Karki, S., Holzbaur, E.L. J. Biol. Chem. (1995)
- The interaction of neurofilaments with the microtubule motor cytoplasmic dynein. Wagner, O.I., Ascaño, J., Tokito, M., Leterrier, J.F., Janmey, P.A., Holzbaur, E.L. Mol. Biol. Cell (2004)