Gene Review:
Dctn1 - dynactin 1
Mus musculus
150 kDa dynein-associated polypeptide, AL022633, DAP-150, DP-150, Dynactin subunit 1, ...
- Mouse p150Glued (dynactin 1) cDNA sequence and evaluation as a candidate for the neuromuscular disease mutation mnd2. Jang, W., Weber, J.S., Tokito, M.K., Holzbaur, E.L., Meisler, M.H. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1997)
- Adenovirus-activated PKA and p38/MAPK pathways boost microtubule-mediated nuclear targeting of virus. Suomalainen, M., Nakano, M.Y., Boucke, K., Keller, S., Greber, U.F. EMBO J. (2001)
- Mutant superoxide dismutase disrupts cytoplasmic dynein in motor neurons. Ligon, L.A., LaMonte, B.H., Wallace, K.E., Weber, N., Kalb, R.G., Holzbaur, E.L. Neuroreport (2005)
- Reversible disruption of dynactin 1-mediated retrograde axonal transport in polyglutamine-induced motor neuron degeneration. Katsuno, M., Adachi, H., Minamiyama, M., Waza, M., Tokui, K., Banno, H., Suzuki, K., Onoda, Y., Tanaka, F., Doyu, M., Sobue, G. J. Neurosci. (2006)
- The microtubule plus-end-tracking protein CLIP-170 associates with the spermatid manchette and is essential for spermatogenesis. Akhmanova, A., Mausset-Bonnefont, A.L., van Cappellen, W., Keijzer, N., Hoogenraad, C.C., Stepanova, T., Drabek, K., van der Wees, J., Mommaas, M., Onderwater, J., van der Meulen, H., Tanenbaum, M.E., Medema, R.H., Hoogerbrugge, J., Vreeburg, J., Uringa, E.J., Grootegoed, J.A., Grosveld, F., Galjart, N. Genes Dev. (2005)
- Disruption of dynein/dynactin inhibits axonal transport in motor neurons causing late-onset progressive degeneration. LaMonte, B.H., Wallace, K.E., Holloway, B.A., Shelly, S.S., Ascaño, J., Tokito, M., Van Winkle, T., Howland, D.S., Holzbaur, E.L. Neuron (2002)
- Sunday Driver links axonal transport to damage signaling. Cavalli, V., Kujala, P., Klumperman, J., Goldstein, L.S. J. Cell Biol. (2005)
- A role for cytoplasmic dynein and LIS1 in directed cell movement. Dujardin, D.L., Barnhart, L.E., Stehman, S.A., Gomes, E.R., Gundersen, G.G., Vallee, R.B. J. Cell Biol. (2003)
- Axonal dynactin p150Glued transports caspase-8 to drive retrograde olfactory receptor neuron apoptosis. Carson, C., Saleh, M., Fung, F.W., Nicholson, D.W., Roskams, A.J. J. Neurosci. (2005)
- Multiple mouse chromosomal loci for dynein-based motility. Vaughan, K.T., Mikami, A., Paschal, B.M., Holzbaur, E.L., Hughes, S.M., Echeverri, C.J., Moore, K.J., Gilbert, D.J., Copeland, N.G., Jenkins, N.A., Vallee, R.B. Genomics (1996)
- Integrated radiation hybrid map of human chromosome 2p13: possible involvement of dynactin in neuromuscular diseases. Korthaus, D., Wedemeyer, N., Lengeling, A., Ronsiek, M., Jockusch, H., Schmitt-John, T. Genomics (1997)
- Recognition of mammalian centromeres by anti-dynein and anti-dynactin components. Vig, B.K. Mutagenesis (1998)
- EB1 identifies sites of microtubule polymerisation during neurite development. Morrison, E.E., Moncur, P.M., Askham, J.M. Brain Res. Mol. Brain Res. (2002)
- The presence of the 50-kDa subunit of dynactin complex in the nerve growth cone. Abe, T.K., Tanaka, H., Iwanaga, T., Odani, S., Kuwano, R. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1997)
- Role of dynactin in endocytic traffic: effects of dynamitin overexpression and colocalization with CLIP-170. Valetti, C., Wetzel, D.M., Schrader, M., Hasbani, M.J., Gill, S.R., Kreis, T.E., Schroer, T.A. Mol. Biol. Cell (1999)
- Cdc42, dynein, and dynactin regulate MTOC reorientation independent of Rho-regulated microtubule stabilization. Palazzo, A.F., Joseph, H.L., Chen, Y.J., Dujardin, D.L., Alberts, A.S., Pfister, K.K., Vallee, R.B., Gundersen, G.G. Curr. Biol. (2001)
- Assembly of centrosomal proteins and microtubule organization depends on PCM-1. Dammermann, A., Merdes, A. J. Cell Biol. (2002)
- Differential roles of microtubule assembly and sliding in proplatelet formation by megakaryocytes. Patel, S.R., Richardson, J.L., Schulze, H., Kahle, E., Galjart, N., Drabek, K., Shivdasani, R.A., Hartwig, J.H., Italiano, J.E. Blood (2005)
- Cyclophilin-A is bound through its peptidylprolyl isomerase domain to the cytoplasmic dynein motor protein complex. Galigniana, M.D., Morishima, Y., Gallay, P.A., Pratt, W.B. J. Biol. Chem. (2004)
- PAR-1 and the microtubule-associated proteins CLASP2 and dynactin-p50 have specific localisation on mouse meiotic and first mitotic spindles. Moore, C.A., Zernicka-Goetz, M. Reproduction (2005)
- Direct interaction of pericentrin with cytoplasmic dynein light intermediate chain contributes to mitotic spindle organization. Purohit, A., Tynan, S.H., Vallee, R., Doxsey, S.J. J. Cell Biol. (1999)