Gene Review:
PHOT1 - phototropin 1
Arabidopsis thaliana
- Physiological roles of the light, oxygen, or voltage domains of phototropin 1 and phototropin 2 in Arabidopsis. Cho, H.Y., Tseng, T.S., Kaiserli, E., Sullivan, S., Christie, J.M., Briggs, W.R. Plant Physiol. (2007)
- Photochemical properties of the flavin mononucleotide-binding domains of the phototropins from Arabidopsis, rice, and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Kasahara, M., Swartz, T.E., Olney, M.A., Onodera, A., Mochizuki, N., Fukuzawa, H., Asamizu, E., Tabata, S., Kanegae, H., Takano, M., Christie, J.M., Nagatani, A., Briggs, W.R. Plant Physiol. (2002)
- First evidence for phototropin-related blue-light receptors in prokaryotes. Losi, A., Polverini, E., Quest, B., Gärtner, W. Biophys. J. (2002)
- ZEITLUPE encodes a novel clock-associated PAS protein from Arabidopsis. Somers, D.E., Schultz, T.F., Milnamow, M., Kay, S.A. Cell (2000)
- Responses of ferns to red light are mediated by an unconventional photoreceptor. Kawai, H., Kanegae, T., Christensen, S., Kiyosue, T., Sato, Y., Imaizumi, T., Kadota, A., Wada, M. Nature (2003)
- Phototropin-related NPL1 controls chloroplast relocation induced by blue light. Jarillo, J.A., Gabrys, H., Capel, J., Alonso, J.M., Ecker, J.R., Cashmore, A.R. Nature (2001)
- Arabidopsis NPH3: A NPH1 photoreceptor-interacting protein essential for phototropism. Motchoulski, A., Liscum, E. Science (1999)
- An experimental test of the adaptive evolution of phototropins: blue-light photoreceptors controlling phototropism in Arabidopsis thaliana. Galen, C., Huddle, J., Liscum, E. Evolution (2004)
- Cellular and subcellular localization of phototropin 1. Sakamoto, K., Briggs, W.R. Plant Cell (2002)
- Biochemical characterization of plasma membrane H+-ATPase activation in guard cell protoplasts of Arabidopsis thaliana in response to blue light. Ueno, K., Kinoshita, T., Inoue, S., Emi, T., Shimazaki, K. Plant Cell Physiol. (2005)
- Blue light-induced kinetics of H+ and Ca2+ fluxes in etiolated wild-type and phototropin-mutant Arabidopsis seedlings. Babourina, O., Newman, I., Shabala, S. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2002)
- Phototropin LOV domains exhibit distinct roles in regulating photoreceptor function. Christie, J.M., Swartz, T.E., Bogomolni, R.A., Briggs, W.R. Plant J. (2002)
- Blue light-regulated molecular switch of Ser/Thr kinase in phototropin. Matsuoka, D., Tokutomi, S. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2005)
- Unexpected roles for cryptochrome 2 and phototropin revealed by high-resolution analysis of blue light-mediated hypocotyl growth inhibition. Folta, K.M., Spalding, E.P. Plant J. (2001)
- The enhancement of phototropin-induced phototropic curvature in Arabidopsis occurs via a photoreversible phytochrome A-dependent modulation of auxin responsiveness. Stowe-Evans, E.L., Luesse, D.R., Liscum, E. Plant Physiol. (2001)
- RPT2 is a signal transducer involved in phototropic response and stomatal opening by association with phototropin 1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Inada, S., Ohgishi, M., Mayama, T., Okada, K., Sakai, T. Plant Cell (2004)
- From The Cover: A role for Arabidopsis cryptochromes and COP1 in the regulation of stomatal opening. Mao, J., Zhang, Y.C., Sang, Y., Li, Q.H., Yang, H.Q. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2005)
- PHYTOCHROME KINASE SUBSTRATE 1 is a phototropin 1 binding protein required for phototropism. Lariguet, P., Schepens, I., Hodgson, D., Pedmale, U.V., Trevisan, M., Kami, C., de Carbonnel, M., Alonso, J.M., Ecker, J.R., Liscum, E., Fankhauser, C. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2006)
- An auxilin-like J-domain protein, JAC1, regulates phototropin-mediated chloroplast movement in Arabidopsis. Suetsugu, N., Kagawa, T., Wada, M. Plant Physiol. (2005)
- Use of confocal laser as light source reveals stomata-autonomous function. Ca??amero, R.C., Boccalandro, H., Casal, J., Serna, L. PLoS ONE (2006)
- Rice NPH1 homologues, OsNPH1a and OsNPH1b, are differently photoregulated. Kanegae, H., Tahir, M., Savazzini, F., Yamamoto, K., Yano, M., Sasaki, T., Kanegae, T., Wada, M., Takano, M. Plant Cell Physiol. (2000)
- Comparative investigation of the LOV1 and LOV2 domains in Adiantum phytochrome3. Iwata, T., Nozaki, D., Tokutomi, S., Kandori, H. Biochemistry (2005)