MeSH Review:
- Restoration of phototropic responsiveness in decapitated maize coleoptiles. Kaldenhoff, R., Iino, M. Plant Physiol. (1997)
- Cytokinin oxidase gene expression in maize is localized to the vasculature, and is induced by cytokinins, abscisic acid, and abiotic stress. Brugière, N., Jiao, S., Hantke, S., Zinselmeier, C., Roessler, J.A., Niu, X., Jones, R.J., Habben, J.E. Plant Physiol. (2003)
- Regulation of alcoholic fermentation in coleoptiles of two rice cultivars differing in tolerance to anoxia. Gibbs, J., Morrell, S., Valdez, A., Setter, T.L., Greenway, H. J. Exp. Bot. (2000)
- Phototropism and geotropism in maize coleoptiles are spatially correlated with increases in cytosolic free calcium. Gehring, C.A., Williams, D.A., Cody, S.H., Parish, R.W. Nature (1990)
- cDNA clones of the auxin-binding protein from corn coleoptiles (Zea mays L.): isolation and characterization by immunological methods. Tillmann, U., Viola, G., Kayser, B., Siemeister, G., Hesse, T., Palme, K., Löbler, M., Klämbt, D. EMBO J. (1989)
- Immunocytochemical localization of wheat germ agglutinin in wheat. Mishkind, M., Raikhel, N.V., Palevitz, B.A., Keegstra, K. J. Cell Biol. (1982)
- Expression of expansin genes is correlated with growth in deepwater rice. Cho, H.T., Kende, H. Plant Cell (1997)
- A major isoform of the maize plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase: characterization and induction by auxin in coleoptiles. Frías, I., Caldeira, M.T., Pérez-Castiñeira, J.R., Navarro-Aviñó, J.P., Culiañez-Maciá, F.A., Kuppinger, O., Stransky, H., Pagés, M., Hager, A., Serrano, R. Plant Cell (1996)
- Evidence for down-regulation of ethanolic fermentation and K+ effluxes in the coleoptile of rice seedlings during prolonged anoxia. Colmer, T.D., Huang, S., Greenway, H. J. Exp. Bot. (2001)
- The Rice COLEOPTILE PHOTOTROPISM1 gene encoding an ortholog of Arabidopsis NPH3 is required for phototropism of coleoptiles and lateral translocation of auxin. Haga, K., Takano, M., Neumann, R., Iino, M. Plant Cell (2005)
- In vitro and in vivo protein phosphorylation in Avena sativa L. coleoptiles: effects of Ca2+, calmodulin antagonists, and auxin. Veluthambi, K., Poovaiah, B.W. Plant Physiol. (1986)
- Physical strain-mediated microtubule reorientation in the epidermis of gravitropically or phototropically stimulated maize coleoptiles. Fischer, K., Schopfer, P. Plant J. (1998)
- Asymmetric distribution of acetylcholinesterase in gravistimulated maize seedlings. Momonoki, Y.S. Plant Physiol. (1997)
- Cholodny-Went revisited: a role for jasmonate in gravitropism of rice coleoptiles. Gutjahr, C., Riemann, M., Müller, A., Düchting, P., Weiler, E.W., Nick, P. Planta (2005)
- 5'-Azido-[3,6-3H2]-1-napthylphthalamic acid, a photoactivatable probe for naphthylphthalamic acid receptor proteins from higher plants: identification of a 23-kDa protein from maize coleoptile plasma membranes. Zettl, R., Feldwisch, J., Boland, W., Schell, J., Palme, K. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1992)
- Auxin-induced K+ channel expression represents an essential step in coleoptile growth and gravitropism. Philippar, K., Fuchs, I., Luthen, H., Hoth, S., Bauer, C.S., Haga, K., Thiel, G., Ljung, K., Sandberg, G., Bottger, M., Becker, D., Hedrich, R. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1999)
- Hydroxyl radical-induced cell-wall loosening in vitro and in vivo: implications for the control of elongation growth. Schopfer, P. Plant J. (2001)
- The stability of cortical microtubules depends on their orientation. Wiesler, B., Wang, Q.Y., Nick, P. Plant J. (2002)
- A chemoreceptive bilayer lipid membrane based on an auxin-receptor ATPase electrogenic pump. Thompson, M., Krull, U.J., Venis, M.A. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1983)
- Close correspondence between the action spectra for the blue light responses of the guard cell and coleoptile chloroplasts, and the spectra for blue light-dependent stomatal opening and coleoptile phototropism. Quiñones, M.A., Lu, Z., Zeiger, E. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1996)
- Indole-3-acetic acid catabolism in Zea mays seedlings. Metabolic conversion of oxindole-3-acetic acid to 7-hydroxy-2-oxindole-3-acetic acid 7'-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside. Nonhebel, H.M., Kruse, L.I., Bandurski, R.S. J. Biol. Chem. (1985)
- Cloning and molecular characterization of plant aldehyde oxidase. Sekimoto, H., Seo, M., Dohmae, N., Takio, K., Kamiya, Y., Koshiba, T. J. Biol. Chem. (1997)
- A fungal endoglucanase with plant cell wall extension activity. Yuan, S., Wu, Y., Cosgrove, D.J. Plant Physiol. (2001)
- Molecular cloning and structural analysis of genes from Zea mays (L.) coding for members of the ras-related ypt gene family. Palme, K., Diefenthal, T., Vingron, M., Sander, C., Schell, J. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1992)
- WIP1, a wound-inducible gene from maize with homology to Bowman-Birk proteinase inhibitors. Rohrmeier, T., Lehle, L. Plant Mol. Biol. (1993)
- Rice NPH1 homologues, OsNPH1a and OsNPH1b, are differently photoregulated. Kanegae, H., Tahir, M., Savazzini, F., Yamamoto, K., Yano, M., Sasaki, T., Kanegae, T., Wada, M., Takano, M. Plant Cell Physiol. (2000)
- The auxin-induced maize gene ZmSAUR2 encodes a short-lived nuclear protein expressed in elongating tissues. Knauss, S., Rohrmeier, T., Lehle, L. J. Biol. Chem. (2003)
- Barley coleoptile peroxidases. Purification, molecular cloning, and induction by pathogens. Kristensen, B.K., Bloch, H., Rasmussen, S.K. Plant Physiol. (1999)
- Auxin-binding protein from coleoptile membranes of corn (Zea mays L.). II. Localization of a putative auxin receptor. Löbler, M., Klämbt, D. J. Biol. Chem. (1985)
- The isolation and identification of several trichothecene mycotoxins from Fusarium heterosporum. Cole, R.J., Dorner, J.W., Cox, R.H., Cunfer, B.M., Cutler, H.G., Stuart, B.P. J. Nat. Prod. (1981)
- Inhibition of gravitropism in oat coleoptiles by the calcium chelator, ethyleneglycol-bis-(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N'-tetraacetic acid. Daye, S., Biro, R.L., Roux, S.J. Physiol. Plantarum (1984)
- Comparative expression of five Lea Genes during wheat seed development and in response to abiotic stresses by real-time quantitative RT-PCR. Ali-Benali, M.A., Alary, R., Joudrier, P., Gautier, M.F. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (2005)
- Proteomic characterization of herbicide safener-induced proteins in the coleoptile of Triticum tauschii seedlings. Zhang, Q., Riechers, D.E. Proteomics (2004)