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Disease relevance of Cotyledon


High impact information on Cotyledon

  • Added auxin triggers oscillations in cytosolic free calcium ([Ca2+]cyt) and cytosolic pH (pHcyt) in epidermal cells of maize coleoptiles [4].
  • An auxin-binding protein (ABP) cDNA clone was selected from a lambda gt11 cDNA library from corn coleoptiles with highly purified IgGanti ABP [5].
  • We have now found, using rhodamine, peroxidase, and ferritin-labeled secondary antibodies, that WGA is located in cells and tissues that establish direct contact with the soil during germination and growth of the plant In the embryo, WGA is found in the surface layer of the radicle, the first adventitious roots, the coleoptile, and the scutellum [6].
  • Rice expansin genes show organ-specific differential expression in the coleoptile, root, leaf, and internode [7].
  • MHA2 mRNA was induced threefold when nonvascular parts of the coleoptile segments were treated with auxin [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of Cotyledon

  • In contrast, coleoptiles without exogenous glucose showed net losses of K+ and phosphates starting 12 h after anoxia was imposed and these did not recover fully when re-aerated after 60 h of anoxia [9].

Biological context of Cotyledon


Anatomical context of Cotyledon


Associations of Cotyledon with chemical compounds

  • Both action spectra match the absorption spectrum of zeaxanthin, a chloroplastic carotenoid recently implicated in blue light photoreception of both guard cells and coleoptiles [20].
  • This compound was the major product formed from [5-3H] 2-oxindole-3-acetic acid, incubated with intact plants or root and coleoptile sections [21].
  • Primary structural information of a plant aldehyde oxidase (AO), which was purified from maize coleoptiles using indole-3-acetaldehyde as a substrate, was obtained by sequencing a series of cleavage peptides, permitting the cloning of the corresponding cDNA (zmAO-1) [22].
  • Similar changes in wall plasticity and elasticity were observed in wheat (Triticum aestivum cv Pennmore Winter) coleoptile (type II) walls, which showed only a negligible extension in response to Cel12A treatment [23].
  • Auxin promoted the production of superoxide radicals (O2(-)), an OH precursor, in the growth-controlling outer epidermis of maize coleoptiles [17].

Gene context of Cotyledon

  • The gene for yptm1 is expressed at very low levels in maize coleoptiles and tissue culture cells [24].
  • We have cloned and sequenced a wound-inducible cDNA clone designated WIP1 (for wound-induced protein) from maize coleoptiles [25].
  • These structural homologies indicate that NPH1 homologues can be grouped into two classes namely "NPH1 type" and "NPL1 type". Northern blot analysis showed that OsNPH1a was strongly expressed in coleoptiles, whereas OsNPH1b was highly expressed in leaves of dark-grown rice seedlings [26].
  • In pulse-chase experiments using auxin-induced coleoptiles and an anti-ZmSAUR2 antibody we were able to precipitate a protein of the expected molecular mass and to determine a half-life of about 7 min, which is among the shortest known in eukaryotes [27].
  • The data presented here suggest that Prx7 is responsible for the biosynthesis of antifungal compounds known as hordatines, which accumulate abundantly in barley coleoptiles [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cotyledon


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