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Gene Review

CPR1  -  peptidylprolyl isomerase CPR1

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: CPH, CPH1, CYP1, Cyclophilin, Cyclosporin A-binding protein, ...
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Disease relevance of CPR1


High impact information on CPR1

  • Calcineurin is potently inhibited by immunosuppressant drugs, cyclosporin A and FK506, in the presence of their respective cytoplasmic immunophilin proteins, cyclophilin and FK506-binding protein [5].
  • Pin1 is thus an essential PPIase that regulates mitosis presumably by interacting with NIMA and attenuating its mitosis-promoting activity [6].
  • Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (PPIase) catalyses the cis-trans isomerization of proline imidic peptide bonds in oligopeptides and has been shown to accelerate the refolding of several proteins in vitro [7].
  • Thus we propose that the peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerizing activity of PPIase may be involved in events, such as those occurring early in T-cell activation, that are suppressed by cyclosporin A [7].
  • The biochemical basis of CsA action is not known: its primary cellular target has been suggested to be calmodulin, the prolactin receptor or cyclophilin, a CsA-binding protein originally isolated from the cytosol of bovine thymocytes [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of CPR1

  • The peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerases cyclophilin A and FKBP12, respectively, mediate CsA and FK506 toxicity in the cev1 mutant strain [9].
  • 7. From these characteristics, CP2/PCB can be attributed to the Pr" photochemical type with gamma1 < or = 0.05, which comprises the minor phyA fraction (phyA"), phyB, Adiantum phy1 and Synechocystis Cph1 in contrast to the major phyA' fraction (Pr' type with gamma1 = 0.5) [10].

Biological context of CPR1


Anatomical context of CPR1


Associations of CPR1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of CPR1


Regulatory relationships of CPR1

  • The levels of Cpr1p were reduced in the Deltavid22 mutants, implying that the expression of Cpr1p is regulated by Vid22p [22].
  • When ammonium is absent or present at low concentrations, Mep2p activates both the Cph1p-dependent mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway and the cAMP-dependent signalling pathway in a Ras1p-dependent fashion via its C-terminal cytoplasmic tail, which is essential for signalling but dispensable for ammonium transport [23].

Other interactions of CPR1

  • We have isolated a yeast cyclophilin gene, CPR3, which encodes a presumptive mitochondrial isoform [12].
  • Furthermore, the addition of purified Cpr1p restored FBPase import in both the Deltacpr1 and the Deltavid22 mutants [22].
  • RPA14 is a single copy gene that maps to chromosome IV and is flanked by CYP1 and HOM2 [24].
  • Our results suggest that Cpr1p mediates Vid22p function and is directly involved in the import of FBPase into Vid vesicles [22].
  • Crosstalk of prolyl isomerases, Pin1/Ess1, and cyclophilin A [25].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CPR1


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