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Gene Review

ATG1  -  Atg1p

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: APG1, AUT3, Autophagy protein 3, Autophagy-related protein 1, CVT10, ...
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Disease relevance of ATG1


High impact information on ATG1

  • In this article, we summarize advances in the characterization of genes that are necessary for the transport and delivery of selective and nonselective cargoes to the lysosome or vacuole by autophagy-related processes, with emphasis on peroxisome turnover by micropexophagy [2].
  • Peroxisome turnover by micropexophagy: an autophagy-related process [2].
  • The recent discovery of intermediates and genes in peroxisome turnover by selective autophagy-related processes (pexophagy) opens the door to understanding peroxisome turnover and homeostasis [2].
  • Cvt9 oligomers peripherally associate with a novel, perivacuolar membrane compartment and interact with Apg1, a Ser/Thr kinase essential for both the Cvt pathway and autophagy [3].
  • This Apg1-Apg13 association is required for autophagy, but not for the cytoplasm-to-vacuole targeting (Cvt) pathway, another vesicular transport mechanism in which factors essential for autophagy (Apg proteins) are also employed under vegetative growth conditions [4].

Biological context of ATG1

  • Primer extension experiments show multiple transcription initiation sites upstream of ATG1 and between ATG1 and ATG2 [5].
  • Of the single codon changes, mutation of the first ATG (ATG1) resulted in the largest increase of the reporter gene PIS1(promoter)-lacZ expression [6].
  • Induction of autophagy in pho85 mutants entering the stationary phase was exaggerated compared to the level in wild-type cells, but was blocked in apg1 pho85 mutants [7].
  • By using the drastically reduced sporulation frequency of homozygous aut3-1 diploid cells, the AUT3 gene was cloned by complementation [8].
  • Also, secretion of invertase, endocytic uptake of Lucifer Yellow, and vacuolar protein sorting appear wild type like in aut3-deficient cells, suggesting autophagocytosis as a novel route for the transport of proteins from the cytosol to the vacuole [8].

Anatomical context of ATG1


Associations of ATG1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of ATG1

  • Vac8p and Apg13p may be part of a larger protein complex that includes Apg1p and additional interacting proteins [16].

Regulatory relationships of ATG1

  • Taken together, these results indicate that Atg17-Atg13 complex formation plays an important role in normal autophagosome formation via binding to and activating the Atg1 kinase [17].
  • In the course of searching for genes that genetically interact with APG1, we found that overexpression of APG1 under control of the GAL1 promoter suppressed the autophagy-defective phenotype of apg13-1 mutant [18].

Other interactions of ATG1

  • A genetic screen revealed that two genes involved in autophagy, APG1 and APG13, may be regulated by SNF1 [7].
  • Subcellular fractionation experiments indicate that Apg13p and a fraction of Apg1p are membrane-associated [16].
  • In this study, we characterize mutations in the putative Dictyostelium discoideum orthologues of budding yeast genes that are involved in one of each of these functions, ATG1, ATG6, and ATG8 [19].
  • Two-hybrid analyses and coimmunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated that Atg17 physically associates with Atg1-Atg13 complex, and this binding was enhanced under starvation conditions [17].
  • Atg9 trafficking in autophagy-related pathways [20].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ATG1

  • Some of the PCR products contained mutations in ATG1 and/or ATG2 [21].
  • The discovery of a Cvt pathway in P. pastoris makes it an excellent model system for the dissection of autophagy-related pathways in a single organism and for the discovery of new Cvt pathway components [22].


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