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Genetic Engineering

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Disease relevance of Genetic Engineering


High impact information on Genetic Engineering


Chemical compound and disease context of Genetic Engineering


Biological context of Genetic Engineering


Anatomical context of Genetic Engineering


Associations of Genetic Engineering with chemical compounds


Gene context of Genetic Engineering

  • We found that both of these genetic interventions produced a several-fold increase in the lifespan of Lama2(-/-) mice [31].
  • Truncation of signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) 5 at the carboxy-terminal domain, either by genetic engineering or by proteolytic cleavage, results in generation of dominant-negative forms [32].
  • We have now used genetic engineering to introduce these residues into mouse MT-1 [33].
  • Genetic engineering of these cells to express hCD152-hCD59, a chimeric molecule designed to block CD86 in cis, was accompanied by a reduction in susceptibility to human NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity [34].
  • The cloning of PKD1 and PKD2 in recent years has provided the initial steps in defining the mechanisms underlying renal cyst formation in this condition, with the aim of defining pharmacological and genetic interventions that may ameliorate the diverse and often serious clinical manifestations of this disease [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Genetic Engineering


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