Gene Review:
YBX3 - Y box binding protein 3
Homo sapiens
CSDA, CSDA1, Cold shock domain-containing protein A, DBPA, DNA-binding protein A, ...
- Characterization of the gene for dbpA, a family member of the nucleic-acid-binding proteins containing a cold-shock domain. Kudo, S., Mattei, M.G., Fukuda, M. Eur. J. Biochem. (1995)
- DNA binding properties of YB-1 and dbpA: binding to double-stranded, single-stranded, and abasic site containing DNAs. Hasegawa, S.L., Doetsch, P.W., Hamilton, K.K., Martin, A.M., Okenquist, S.A., Lenz, J., Boss, J.M. Nucleic Acids Res. (1991)
- Regulation of PCNA and cyclin D1 expression and epithelial morphogenesis by the ZO-1-regulated transcription factor ZONAB/DbpA. Sourisseau, T., Georgiadis, A., Tsapara, A., Ali, R.R., Pestell, R., Matter, K., Balda, M.S. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2006)
- Species-specific serodiagnosis of Lyme arthritis and neuroborreliosis due to Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto, B. afzelii, and B. garinii by using decorin binding protein A. Heikkilä, T., Seppälä, I., Saxen, H., Panelius, J., Yrjänäinen, H., Lahdenne, P. J. Clin. Microbiol. (2002)
- Communication Self-Assessment Scale Inventory for Deaf Adults. Kaplan, H., Bally, S.J., Brandt, F. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology. (1991)
- RalA interacts with ZONAB in a cell density-dependent manner and regulates its transcriptional activity. Frankel, P., Aronheim, A., Kavanagh, E., Balda, M.S., Matter, K., Bunney, T.D., Marshall, C.J. EMBO J. (2005)
- The ZO-1-associated Y-box factor ZONAB regulates epithelial cell proliferation and cell density. Balda, M.S., Garrett, M.D., Matter, K. J. Cell Biol. (2003)
- Recombination hot spot of hepatitis B virus genome binds to members of the HMG domain protein family and the Y box binding protein family; implication of these proteins in genomic instability. Kajino, K., Yamamoto, T., Hayashi, J., Umeda, T., Takahara, T., Hino, O. Intervirology (2001)
- Somatic mutation and SNP in the promoter of dbpA and human hepatocarcinogenesis. Hayashi, J., Kajino, K., Umeda, T., Takano, S., Arakawa, Y., Kudo, M., Hino, O. Int. J. Oncol. (2002)
- Gene expression profile of DNA binding protein A transgenic mice. Tobita, H., Kajino, K., Inami, K., Kano, S., Yasen, M., Imamura, O., Kinoshita, Y., Hino, O. Int. J. Oncol. (2006)
- Electron inelastic mean free path formula and CSDA-range calculation in biological compounds for low and intermediate energies. Akar, A., Gümüş, H., Okumuşoğlu, N.T. Applied radiation and isotopes : including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine. (2006)
- Positive and negative regulation of the human thymidine kinase promoter mediated by CCAAT binding transcription factors NF-Y/CBF, dbpA, and CDP/cut. Kim, E.C., Lau, J.S., Rawlings, S., Lee, A.S. Cell Growth Differ. (1997)
- Fluorogenic phospholipids as head group-selective reporters of phospholipase A activity. Rose, T.M., Prestwich, G.D. ACS chemical biology (2006)
- Phosphorylation of cold shock domain/Y-box proteins by ERK2 and GSK3beta and repression of the human VEGF promoter. Coles, L.S., Lambrusco, L., Burrows, J., Hunter, J., Diamond, P., Bert, A.G., Vadas, M.A., Goodall, G.J. FEBS Lett. (2005)
- Repression of major histocompatibility complex I-A beta gene expression by dbpA and dbpB (mYB-1) proteins. Lloberas, J., Maki, R.A., Celada, A. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1995)
- Suppression of grp78 core promoter element-mediated stress induction by the dbpA and dbpB (YB-1) cold shock domain proteins. Li, W.W., Hsiung, Y., Wong, V., Galvin, K., Zhou, Y., Shi, Y., Lee, A.S. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1997)
- Functional interaction between the ZO-1-interacting transcription factor ZONAB/DbpA and the RNA processing factor symplekin. Kavanagh, E., Buchert, M., Tsapara, A., Choquet, A., Balda, M.S., Hollande, F., Matter, K. J. Cell. Sci. (2006)