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Gene Review

CDK4  -  cyclin-dependent kinase 4

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CMM3, Cell division protein kinase 4, Cyclin-dependent kinase 4, PSK-J3
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Disease relevance of CDK4

  • CDK4 associates separately with a protein of M(r) 16K, particularly in cells lacking a functional retinoblastoma protein [1].
  • CDK4 co-expression circumvents Ras growth suppression and induces invasive human neoplasia resembling squamous cell carcinoma [2].
  • The mutated CDK4 allele was present in autologous cultured melanoma cells and metastasis tissue, but not in the patient's lymphocytes [3].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Aberrant expression of cyclins D1, D2, CDK4, p16, and pRB occur in significant subsets of exophytic and flat adenomas, particularly among cases with high-grade dysplasia [4].
  • Statistical analysis of the expression data revealed the combination of CCND1 and CDK4 as the best classifier concerning separation of both lymphoma types [5].

Psychiatry related information on CDK4


High impact information on CDK4

  • Tax exerts (a) trans-activation and -repression of transcription of different sets of cellular genes through binding to groups of transcription factors and coactivators, (b) dysregulation of cell cycle through binding to inhibitors of CDK4/6, and (c) inhibition of some tumor suppressor proteins [7].
  • These antiproliferative activities are canceled by coexpression of the HDM2 and CDK4 oncogenes, which are often coamplified with HMGA2 in human cancers [8].
  • Degradation is mediated through a previously unrecognized destruction box in cyclin D1 and leads to a release of p21cip1 from CDK4 to inhibit CDK2 [9].
  • We present evidence that phosphorylation of the C-terminal region of Rb by Cdk4/6 initiates successive intramolecular interactions between the C-terminal region and the central pocket [10].
  • Germline mutations in the p16INK4a binding domain of CDK4 in familial melanoma [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of CDK4


Biological context of CDK4


Anatomical context of CDK4


Associations of CDK4 with chemical compounds

  • Surprisingly, CDK4 immunoprecipitates derived from Flavopiridol-treated MCF-7 cells (3 h, 300 nM Flavonolpiridol) had an approximately 3-fold increased kinase activity compared with untreated cells [22].
  • We found that expression of CDK2 and CDK4 genes were up-regulated within hours of androgen treatment as detected in Northern and Western blot analyses [12].
  • Others have shown that a specific mutation in the NH2-terminal region of the CDK4 gene product can disrupt p16INK4a binding, thereby bypassing its inhibitory activity [23].
  • The phosphatidylinositol 3-OH-kinase inhibitor LY294002 has been shown to block cyclin D1 accumulation, CDK4 activity and, thus, G1 progression in alpha-thrombin-stimulated IIC9 cells (Chinese hamster embryonic fibroblasts) [24].
  • Our results show that a herbimycin A- and staurosporine-sensitive phase of CDK4 expression and activity preceded the acquisition of IL-2-responsiveness in mitogen-stimulated peripheral blood T cells [25].

Physical interactions of CDK4


Enzymatic interactions of CDK4

  • CDK2 and CDK4 known promoter of cell cycling catalyze phosphorylation of RB protein [31].
  • Forced expression or conditional activation of FoxO factors leads to reduced protein expression of the D-type cyclins D1 and D2 and is associated with an impaired capacity of CDK4 to phosphorylate and inactivate the S-phase repressor pRb [32].
  • Here, we report that CDK4 complexes from Nalm-6 extracts phosphorylated in vitro the CDK2-preferred serine 612, which was inhibited by p16INK4a, and fascaplysin [33].
  • A conserved site at Ser842 in the related pocket protein p107 is also preferentially phosphorylated by cdk4/D1 [34].

Regulatory relationships of CDK4


Other interactions of CDK4

  • The point in G1 at which cells irrevocably commit to DNA synthesis is controlled by protein complexes consisting of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK4 or CDK6) and cyclins (D1, D2 or D3) [40].
  • Addition of p34(SEI-1) to cyclin D1-CDK4 renders the complex resistant to inhibition by p16(INK4a) [41].
  • Consistent with this result, kinase activity of CDK2 was significantly down-regulated in cells overexpressing APC although its synthesis remained unchanged, while CDK4 activity was barely affected [42].
  • In contrast, neither CDK4 nor CDK7 itself can phosphorylate the CDK7 T loop in vitro [43].
  • Amplification of 12q13 locus occurs in some mantle cell lymphomas (MCL), potentially involving CDK4 and MDM2 genes [44].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CDK4


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