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Gene Review

polA  -  5' to 3' DNA polymerase and 3' to 5'/5' to...

Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655

Synonyms: ECK3855, JW3835, resA
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Disease relevance of polA


High impact information on polA

  • In the first step, a cointegrate between the tetracycline-resistant incP/Ad5 replicon and the kanamycin-resistant ColE1-derivative is selected by growing the polA host in the presence of both antibiotics [5].
  • Plasmid pBR322 was found to replicate in rnh mutants in the absence of DNA polymerase I, the polA gene product, which is normally required for replication of this plasmid [6].
  • The plasmid copy number in polA rnh double mutants was as high as in the wild-type strains [6].
  • These ExoIII-sensitive sites (EXOSS) can then be postlabeled using digoxigenin-11-dUTP and Klenow DNA polymerase-I, and detected using fluorescein isothiocyanate-IgG against digoxigenin [7].
  • This permitted the construction of plasmid pMP5 which contains both the coding sequence for DNA polymerase I and the lambda pL promoter for conditional control of polA gene expression [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of polA

  • In E. coli, Ni(II) chloride potentiated the mutagenicity of methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) in polymerase-proficient strains (WP2+ and WP2-), but not in polA- strains (WP6 and WP67) or in lexA- (CM561) or recA- (CM571) strains [9].
  • Modification of survival after ultraviolet light exposure in a wild-type and a polA strain of Escherichia coli B/r by preirradiation treatment with chloramphenicol or rifampin [10].
  • Phage on steroid treatment also lost its plaque forming units (P.F.U.) which was more pronounced in the polA and rec A background [11].

Biological context of polA


Associations of polA with chemical compounds

  • The enhancement of u.v.-mutagenesis by ascorbate is absent in strains WP2s (uvrA) and WP6 (polA), suggesting that ascorbate affects the repair of pyrimidine dimers [15].
  • An extended lag phase was seen at 2-4 h in the polA- strains following treatment with Ni(II) chloride and MMS, but normal growth resumed thereafter [9].
  • The lower mutability of BS21 was not influenced by the polA mutation, while uvrA greatly reduced and recA eliminated the mutagenic activity of cis-DDP in both strains [16].
  • In this communication it is shown that damaged fragment release from the parental uvrABC incised DNA is dependent on either chelating conditions or upon the simultaneous addition of the uvrD gene product (helicase II) and the polA gene product (DNA polymerase I) when catalyzing concommitant polymerization of deoxynucleoside triphosphate substrates [17].
  • DNA elongation demonstrated with a dnaE(Ts) mutant or toluene-treated cells of a polA mutant was not significantly affected by aminoglycosides [18].

Other interactions of polA

  • The action of 313 nm radiation in cellular inactivation (biological measurements) and induction and repair of DNA strand breaks (physical measurements) were studied in a repair proficient strain and three repair deficient strains (polA, recA, uvrA) of Escherichia coli K-12 [19].
  • Recombination at dif was increased by known hyperrecombinogenic mutations such as polA, dut, and uvrD [20].
  • A strain carrying both xth and recA mutations and certain polA mutants appear to undergo spontaneous mode-one killing only under aerobic conditions [21].
  • This synergistic lethal interaction was also observed to a reduced extent in a polA mutant but was absent in uvrA, uvrArecA and xthA mutants [22].
  • However, addition of catalase to the rich plating medium used to assess viability restored counts of heat-injured recA, recB and polA strains to wild-type levels [23].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of polA


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