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Mastectomy, Segmental

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Disease relevance of Mastectomy, Segmental


High impact information on Mastectomy, Segmental


Chemical compound and disease context of Mastectomy, Segmental


Biological context of Mastectomy, Segmental


Anatomical context of Mastectomy, Segmental


Associations of Mastectomy, Segmental with chemical compounds

  • In patients who were assessed as requiring mastectomy at baseline (n = 124), 44% of patients received breast-conserving surgery (BCS) after anastrozole compared with 31% of patients after tamoxifen (P = .23); this difference became significant for patients who were deemed feasible for BCS by their surgeon (46% v 22%, respectively; P = .03) [19].
  • Pathologic specimens from 250 breasts (245 patients) treated between June 1982 and June 1990 with lumpectomy, immediate (boost) interstitial iridium-192 to 15-20 Gy, and external-beam irradiation to the entire breast to 45-50 Gy were reviewed [20].
  • Intraoperative interstitial implantation of iridium 192 during a lumpectomy for carcinoma of the breast has been well tolerated by the patient [21].
  • Thirty patients (15 aged less than 45 years, 15 aged greater than or equal to 45 years; range 28-54 years) underwent mastectomy/lumpectomy with axillary clearance (with or without local irradiation) followed by ovarian irradiation and prednisolone therapy (2.5 mg three times daily for 5 years) [22].
  • Forty cirrhotic patients with Child-Pugh Grade A, aged 40 to 70 yr, scheduled for liver segmentectomy, had anesthesia induced with midazolam 0.1 mg/kg and fentanyl 4 micro g/kg [23].

Gene context of Mastectomy, Segmental


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Mastectomy, Segmental


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