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Eye Color

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Disease relevance of Eye Color

  • The mouse mutant mocha, a model for the Hermansky-Pudlak storage pool deficiency syndrome, is characterized by defective platelets, coat and eye color dilution, lysosomal abnormalities, inner ear degeneration, and neurological deficits [1].
  • White spots on the other hand were equally large in size, irrespective of inducing agent and about twice the size of the chemically-induced red spots, implying a faster and more direct action for fixation of deletions than for the production of MMS induced shifts in eye color from zeste to red [2].
  • For subjects treated with cyclopentolate, this decreased mydriasis was related to age (P less than .05) and to eye color (P less than .025): the younger and blue-eyed subjects dilated less on the second day than the older and brown-eyed subjects [3].

High impact information on Eye Color

  • In contrast to the relative insensitivity of eye-color pigmentation and dosage compensation to genomic position, the transduced white DNA segments differed widely in their interactions with the zeste mutation, ranging from greater than normal repression by zeste to insensitivity to the presence of zeste [4].
  • Transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) is Polycomb dependent and occurs when Adh is driven by the white eye color gene promoter [5].
  • Deep orange and carnation are two of the classic eye color genes in Drosophila [6].
  • We report here that a defect in a gene encoding a putative coat adaptor protein leads to the eye color defect of garnet mutants [7].
  • We describe a simple eye-color screen that facilitates isolation and analysis of mutations in the mariner transposase in Drosophila melanogaster [8].

Biological context of Eye Color

  • This is probably due to the association of these OCA2 SNPs with brown/green not blue eye color [9].
  • P[hswa] carries white-apricot (wa) sequences, including a complete copia element, under the control of an hsp70 promoter, and resembles the original wa allele in eye color phenotype [10].
  • The claret (ca) locus of Drosophila melanogaster comprises two separately mutable domains, one responsible for eye color and one responsible for proper disjunction of chromosomes in meiosis and early cleavage divisions [11].
  • In a search for modifiers of gene expression with the white eye color gene as a target, a third chromosomal P-element insertion mutant l(3)01544 has been identified that exhibits a strong pigment increase in a white-apricot background [12].
  • There exist suppressor and enhancer mutations that modify the z1 eye color, and this paper summarizes our studies of those belonging to the Suppressor 2 of zeste complex [Su(z)2-C] [13].

Anatomical context of Eye Color


Associations of Eye Color with chemical compounds


Gene context of Eye Color


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Eye Color


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  3. Reduced mydriasis from repeated doses of tropicamide and cyclopentolate. McCormack, D.L. Ophthalmic surgery. (1990) [Pubmed]
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  5. RNAi related mechanisms affect both transcriptional and posttranscriptional transgene silencing in Drosophila. Pal-Bhadra, M., Bhadra, U., Birchler, J.A. Mol. Cell (2002) [Pubmed]
  6. A role for the deep orange and carnation eye color genes in lysosomal delivery in Drosophila. Sevrioukov, E.A., He, J.P., Moghrabi, N., Sunio, A., Krämer, H. Mol. Cell (1999) [Pubmed]
  7. Altered expression of a novel adaptin leads to defective pigment granule biogenesis in the Drosophila eye color mutant garnet. Ooi, C.E., Moreira, J.E., Dell'Angelica, E.C., Poy, G., Wassarman, D.A., Bonifacino, J.S. EMBO J. (1997) [Pubmed]
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