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Chemical Compound Review

delphinate     3-methylbutanoic acid

Synonyms: isovalerate, Isovalerianic, isopentanoate, isovalerianate, Delphinic acid, ...
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Disease relevance of METHYLBUTANOIC ACID


Psychiatry related information on METHYLBUTANOIC ACID

  • Isovaleric acid (iso5:0) is an unusual fatty acid that is important for echolocation and hearing in acoustic tissues of some odontocetes, but its functional significance in blubber is unknown [6].

High impact information on METHYLBUTANOIC ACID

  • For two unrelated ligands, androstenone and isovaleric acid, induction of olfactory sensitivity was odorant-specific and occurred only in inbred strains that initially had low sensitivity to the exposure odorant [7].
  • Isovaleric acidemia (IVA) is an inborn error of leucine metabolism, resulting in an accumulation of isovaleric acid in the body fluids [8].
  • Isovaleryl-PL was almost completely hydrolyzed to PL and isovaleric acid (IVA) in epithelial cells at a rate limited by its uptake [9].
  • A high intake of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids has been suggested as a factor in prolonged gestation in the population of the Faroe Islands. It is now suggested that isovaleric acid from pilot whales, a species frequently consumed in the Faroe Islands, may be the unusual dietary factor [10].
  • As a result, foot odor was found to be derived from isovaleric acid, which is produced when Staphylococcus epidermidis, a resident species of the normal cutaneous microbial flora, degrades leucine present in sweat [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of METHYLBUTANOIC ACID

  • The presence of appreciable amounts of succinic acid, more than 1 microM per ml, propionic and isovaleric acid, at concentrations not exceeding 3 microM per ml, was strong evidence for Bacteroides fragilis infections [12].

Biological context of METHYLBUTANOIC ACID

  • The batch experiments were consistent between the two systems and with the past literature: acetic and isovaleric acid were the most efficient substrates, and propionic acid was the least efficient of the 2-5 carbon VFAs (lack of acclimation was ruled out) [13].
  • A survey of the engineering and biochemical literature revealed that both acetic and isovaleric acid resulted in a negative reaction redox balance (i.e. it requires reducing equivalents such as NADH2) during their biotransformation to polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) [13].
  • It was ascertained by measuring membrane fluidity using ESR that this assembly may be able to detect individually added chemical stimulants such as short-chain-bearing odorants (isovaleric acid, isovaleraldehyde, and isoamyl alcohol etc) at a concentration of 3 x 10(-4) parts to 1 part water [14].

Anatomical context of METHYLBUTANOIC ACID


Associations of METHYLBUTANOIC ACID with other chemical compounds

  • This study evaluated the effect of branched-chain volatile fatty acids (VFA; isobutyric acid, isovaleric acid), amino acids (valine, leucine), and dipeptides (valine-valine, leucine-leucine) on neutral detergent fiber (NDF) degradation by rumen microorganisms in vitro [20].
  • Four strains that produced a terminal VFA peak of isovaleric acid formed a new group designated 'ivoricus'. Reliable features for the identification of P. anaerobius were GLC (all GPAC that produced isocaproic acid were identified as P. anaerobius), enzyme profile and sensitivity to SPS [21].
  • Decreasing dietary CP reduced manure pH (P = 0.01), NH4 (P = 0.01), isovaleric acid (P = 0.06), phenol (P = 0.05), and 4-ethyl phenol (P = 0.02) concentrations [22].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of METHYLBUTANOIC ACID


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