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Chemical Compound Review

Dimerin     3,3-diethyl-5-methyl- piperidine-2,4-dione

Synonyms: Nodular, Noludar, Methprylon, Metiprilon, Noctan, ...
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Disease relevance of Methyprolon


High impact information on Methyprolon

  • Methyprylon-induced bone marrow suppression in siblings. An inherited defect [5]?
  • Mesangial cell hillocks. Nodular foci of exaggerated growth of cells and matrix in prolonged culture [6].
  • BACKGROUND/AIMS: Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of the liver is a histological lesion usually associated with systemic diseases, haematological malignancies, or drugs [7].
  • Interestingly, long-term serum intact iPTH levels were higher in patients with nodular (N = 18) than with diffusely (N = 26) hyperplastic glands: 556 +/- 146 versus 126 +/- 52 pg/mL (P < 0.001) and recurrence of hyperparathyroidism was more frequent with nodular hyperplasia (11 of 18) than with diffuse hyperplasia (4 of 26) (P < 0.02) [8].
  • 2. Nodular regenerative hyperplasia occurred in livers which had widespread obliteration of portal vein radicals (obliterative portal venopathy) [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Methyprolon


Biological context of Methyprolon


Anatomical context of Methyprolon

  • METHODS: Nodular thyroid lesions in 11 patients were evaluated before surgical resection [16].
  • CONCLUSION: Nodular and tubular structures in the mediastinum and around the central airway on thin-section CT scans in the patients with bronchiectasis are suggestive of hypertrophied bronchial arteries [17].
  • A Double-Positive CD4+CD8+ T-Cell Population Is Commonly Found in Nodular Lymphocyte Predominant Hodgkin Lymphoma [18].
  • The lesions presented as a polypoid (n = 10) or nodular (n = 4) mass in the vagina (n = 12) or cervix (n = 2) of women ranging in age from 40 to 74 years (median, 58 years) [19].
  • The diffuse-only pattern occurred in mixed cellularity with abundant fibrohistiocytoid stromal cells (n = 2) [20].

Associations of Methyprolon with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Methyprolon

  • Unusual and memorable. Nodular erosive rheumatoid arthritis [22].
  • A waxy plaque on the leg. Nodular or tumefactive cutaneous amyloidosis (NCA) [23].
  • CONCLUSION: Nodular enhancement is the predominant enhancement pattern for new MS lesions, and the temporal course of enhancement is usually shorter than 6 months [24].
  • METHODS: Nodular lesions detected by laparoscopic US in 186 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma were examined and we evaluated the diagnostic ability of laparoscopic US to detect multicentric hepatocellular carcinoma [25].
  • Each prognostic subgroup demonstrated an immunohistochemically distinct pattern of stromal cell composition in the neuroblastic elements: Type A Intermixed had numerous S-100 cells and no FER cells, Type B Intermixed contained many S-100 cells and a moderate number of FER cells, and Nodular had few S-100 cells with many FER cells [26].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Methyprolon


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