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Disease relevance of Leishmania


Psychiatry related information on Leishmania


High impact information on Leishmania

  • (2004) describe the identification of an insect galectin as the receptor for the stage-specific Leishmania adhesin lipophosphoglycan (LPG) [7].
  • Methotrexate-resistant Leishmania tropica contain two separate regions of DNA amplification, one encoding the bifunctional thymidylate synthetase-dihydrofolate reductase (TS-DHFR) characteristic of protozoans and the other of yet unknown function [8].
  • Unstable DNA amplifications in methotrexate-resistant Leishmania consist of extrachromosomal circles which relocalize during stabilization [8].
  • RNA has been isolated from highly purified kinetoplast-mitochondrial fractions of Leishmania tarentolae, and shown to consist of two major species that sediment at 9S and 12S in sucrose and also several additional low molecular weight species which were visualized by gel electrophoresis [9].
  • These data uncover a new immune evasion strategy, whereby Leishmania differentially modulates CD40-engaged, reciprocally functioning signaling modules, and provide a new conceptual framework for immune homeostasis [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Leishmania


Biological context of Leishmania


Anatomical context of Leishmania


Associations of Leishmania with chemical compounds

  • We now describe the stable expression of a selectable marker, the gene for neomycin resistance (neor) in Leishmania enriettii [24].
  • We report here results which suggest that in Leishmania promastigotes there are either distinct EHNA-sensitive dyneins or different conformational states of a single dynein involved in the cilia-like and flagella-like waveforms and in the propagation of flagellar waves from tip-to-base and from base-to-tip [25].
  • The dinitroaniline herbicide trifluralin (alpha, alpha, alpha-trifluoro-2,6-dinitro-N, N-dipropyl-p-toluidine), at micromolar concentrations, selectively inhibited both proliferation and differentiation of the parasitic protozoan Leishmania mexicana amazonensis [26].
  • Lethal effect of phenothiazine neuroleptics on the pathogenic protozoan Leishmania donovani [27].
  • Viable Leishmania promastigotes and amastigotes were detected by epifluorescence microscopy with fluorescein diacetate being used to mark living parasites and the nucleic acid-binding compound ethidium bromide to stain dead cells [28].

Gene context of Leishmania

  • Susceptibility to leishmaniasis is controlled by multiple genes [29].
  • Distinct genetic control of parasite elimination, dissemination, and disease after Leishmania major infection was established [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Leishmania




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