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Chemical Compound Review

Tautomycin     [(3R,4R,5R,8S,9S,12R)-12- [(2S,3S,6R,8S,9R)...

Synonyms: CHEMBL505512, CTK8E8541, DNC014580, AC1L99OL, C05372, ...
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Disease relevance of C05372

  • Tautomycin from the bacterium Streptomyces verticillatus. Another potent and specific inhibitor of protein phosphatases 1 and 2A [1].
  • Conversely, inhibiting phosphatase activity with the protein phosphatase inhibitor tautomycin, or increasing extracellular calcium concentration, results in the 10-Hz tetanus, inducing LTP [2].
  • We found that tautomycin neither enhanced TNF alpha mRNA expression in mouse skin nor induced TNF alpha release in a human stomach cancer cell line (KATO III cells), whereas okadaic acid did both [3].
  • In the presence of tautomycin, cells with blebs turned into segmented forms with smooth surfaces after 15 min and into smooth round shapes without microprotuberance after 60 min [4].
  • Induction of morphological change of human myeloid leukemia and activation of protein kinase C by a novel antibiotic, tautomycin [5].

High impact information on C05372


Biological context of C05372


Anatomical context of C05372

  • The role of cellular phosphatase activity in regulation of smooth muscle L-type Ca2+ channels was investigated using tautomycin, a potent and specific inhibitor of serin/threonin phosphatases type 1 and 2A [15].
  • Tautomycin (1-100 nM) inhibited Ca2+ channel activity in smooth muscle cells isolated from human umbilical vein [15].
  • The effects of tautomycin and its derivatives on protein phosphatases PP1 and PP2A and their apoptosis-inducing activity toward human leukemia Jurkat cells were examined, and the relationship between chemical structure and function was discussed [16].
  • Incubation of adipocytes with 1 microM okadaic acid inhibited PP2A by 75% and PP1 activity by only 17%, while 1 microM tautomycin inhibited PP1 activity by 54% and PP2A by only 7% [17].
  • Exceptions showing no response were limited to the pyloric mucosa for okadaic acid, the pyloric and fundic mucosa for calyculin A and the pyloric mucosa for tautomycin [18].

Associations of C05372 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of C05372


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of C05372


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