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Gene Review

GRK1  -  G protein-coupled receptor kinase 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: GPRK1, RHOK, RK, Rhodopsin kinase
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Disease relevance of GRK1

  • The relationship between myocardial G protein receptor kinase (GRK) expression and beta-adrenoceptor signalling in human left heart diseases has not been fully elucidated yet [1].
  • G-protein-coupled receptor kinase activity is increased in hypertension [2].
  • To date, three different mutations in the RK locus have been associated with Oguchi disease, an autosomal recessive form of stationary night blindness in man characterized in part by delayed photoreceptor recovery [Yamamoto, S. , Sippel, K. C., Berson, E. L. & Dryja, T. P. (1997) Nat. Genet. 15, 175-178] [3].
  • Data suggest that endogenous mediators produced during sepsis might continually activate circulating neutrophils, leading to GRK activation, which may induce neutrophil desensitization to chemoattractants [4].
  • The GRK and PKA site antibodies were also effective in detecting phosphorylation of the endogenous beta2AR expressed in A431 human epidermoid carcinoma cells [5].

Psychiatry related information on GRK1


High impact information on GRK1

  • Our results identify a new role for PDZ-domain-mediated protein interactions and for the actin cytoskeleton in endocytic sorting, and suggest a mechanism by which GRK-mediated phosphorylation could regulate membrane trafficking of G-protein-coupled receptors after endocytosis [9].
  • We show that overexpression of rhodopsin kinase (GRK1) increases phosphorylation of the GPCR rhodopsin but has no effect on photoresponse recovery [10].
  • Here we investigate whether GRK or RGS governs the overall rate of recovery of the light response in mammalian rod photoreceptors, a model system for studying GPCR signaling [10].
  • In cone-dominant animals as well as in humans, but not in rodents, GRK7, a cone-specific homolog of GRK1, has been identified in cone outer segments [11].
  • Phosphorylation of rhodopsin by rhodopsin kinase GRK1 is an important desensitization mechanism in scotopic vision [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of GRK1


Biological context of GRK1

  • Human photoreceptors also transcribe a splice variant of GRK1, which differs in its C-terminal region next to the catalytic domain [16].
  • Among these enzymes, GRK1 (rhodopsin kinase) is involved in phototransduction and is the most specialized of the family [16].
  • Lack of both GRK1 and GRK7 in S cones of patients with ESCS results in a more pronounced abnormality in deactivation kinetics and suggests the existence of partial compensation by either GRK when the other is deficient [17].
  • It remains unclear why the loss of GRK1 yields such different phenotypes in the recovery of mouse and human cones [18].
  • The disease in the Pakistani family localizes to 13q34 and is caused by a novel deletion including Exon 3 of the GRK1 gene [19].

Anatomical context of GRK1

  • Thus, these studies suggest that rods and cones, express the same form of GRK1 [16].
  • Based on results of molecular cloning and immunolocalization, it appears that both rod and cone photoreceptors express GRK1 [16].
  • This novel variant, GRK1b, is produced by retention of the last intron. mRNA encoding GRK1b is exported to the cytosol; however, the level of the protein is relatively low compared with GRK1 (now called GRK1a), and GRK1b appears to have very low catalytic activity [16].
  • Rod outer segments isolated from bovine retina phosphorylated the FLAG-tagged GRKs in the presence of dibutyryl-cAMP, suggesting that GRK1 and GRK7 are physiologically relevant substrates [20].
  • These studies indicate that GRK activity is selectively increased in lymphocytes from hypertensive subjects [2].

Associations of GRK1 with chemical compounds

  • G protein-coupled receptor kinase-mediated desensitization of metabotropic glutamate receptor 1A protects against cell death [21].
  • These studies suggest that CSP act as functional analogues in mediating the regulation of different GRK subtypes by Ca(2+) [22].
  • Proline 391 is not only within the functionally important catalytic domain, but is also a phylogenetically conserved amino acid residue among GRK1 orthologs and homologs [23].
  • The ability of these reagents to inhibit GRK- mediated receptor phosphorylation is demonstrated in permeabilized 293 cells that overexpress individual GRKs and the type 1A angiotensin II receptor [24].
  • In this human in vivo condition without a functional RK and probable lack of phosphorylation and arrestin binding to activated rhodopsin, reduction of photolyzed chromophore and regeneration processes with 11-cis-retinal probably constitute the sole pathway for recovery of rod sensitivity [25].

Physical interactions of GRK1


Enzymatic interactions of GRK1


Regulatory relationships of GRK1


Other interactions of GRK1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of GRK1


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