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Chemical Compound Review

NSC-51805     N-[2-[2-nitro-5- (trifluoromethyl)phenyl]su...

Synonyms: AC1L6ABG, AC1Q1XMU, NSC51805
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Disease relevance of cantharidin

  • Investigations of other phorbol esters revealed an excellent correlation between their promoting ability and their ability to induce epidermal hyperplasia; however, that was not the case for compounds outside the phorbol ester series (i.e., acetic acid, cantharidin, and ethylphenylpropiolate) [1].
  • First, the potency of 15 active cantharidin analogs for inhibiting [3H]cantharidin binding is correlated with their acute toxicity to mice (r = 0.829) [2].
  • NCTD is a demethylated form of cantharidin with antitumor properties, which is now in use as a routine anticancer drug against hepatoma [3].
  • Cantharidin is a natural toxin that has antitumor properties and causes leukocytosis as well as increasing sensitivity of tumor cells resistant to other chemotherapeutic agents [4].
  • These findings show the cardiotoxic properties of cantharidin and its ability to produce fatal cardiac arrhythmias [5].

High impact information on cantharidin

  • An NPA treatment that reduced basipetal transport in rcn1 and cantharidin-treated wild-type plants also restored a normal gravity response and asymmetric auxin-induced gene expression, indicating that increased basipetal auxin transport impedes gravitropism [6].
  • CBP dephosphorylation of phosphorylase alpha is sensitive not only to okadaic acid, as with PP2A, but also to cantharidin and its analogs, consistent with their potency in blocking the radioligand binding site of CBP [7].
  • The phosphatase 2A inhibitor, cantharidin (> or = 10 micromol/L), also blocked the IFN-gamma induction of the C1 INH gene [8].
  • Zinc, okadaic acid, calyculin A, cantharidin, and the caspase inhibitor z-VAD-fmk, all prevented the cleavage of D4-GDI, DNA digestion, and apoptosis [9].
  • Correlative studies conducted with established PPase inhibitors reveal that, when applied at concentrations that inhibit PPase activity to a comparable extent, both okadaic acid and cantharidin also induce aberrant centrosome replication, the appearance of multiple aberrant mitotic spindles, and G2-M-phase growth arrest [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of cantharidin

  • Papaverine salicylate (MR-800) has been tested as a topical antiinflammatory agent in several models of skin inflammation in rodents, such as mouse ear dermatitis induced by croton oil, cantharidin or zymosan, and rat paw oedema induced by PAF [11].
  • The aim of this study was to compare the in vitro effects of cantharidin and nor-cantharidin on renal toxicity and on inflammatory events associated with tumoural process where protein phosphatases could be involved (energy status, prostanoid production, glutathione and nitrite contents) on RAW 264.7 and LLC-PK1 cells [12].
  • Without heat pretreatment, similar attenuation of the HSP27 dephosphorylation/granulation and the actin cytoskeleton stability during simulated ischemia were achieved by treating cells with the protein phosphatase inhibitors cantharidin or sodium orthovanadate [13].

Biological context of cantharidin

  • By contrast, when okadaic acid or cantharidin, potent inhibitors of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), was applied to the cells, the S-phase-specific high level of telomerase activity was continuously maintained in the cell cycle for at least 14 h after release from M-phase arrest [14].
  • The phosphorylation was further elevated in combination with cantharidin, an inhibitor of type 1+2A protein phosphatases [15].
  • This shows that the peaks of S-phase cells seen at 16 and 28 h after cantharidin application represent mother and daughter cells, respectively, the latter still cycling in partial synchrony [16].
  • Our findings suggest that alterations in specific genes functionally related to cell proliferation or apoptosis may be responsible for cantharidin-mediated cytotoxicity [4].
  • Cells pulse-labeled in S phase 30 min prior to treatment with cantharidin or TPA were slightly delayed in their progression through S phase and temporarily blocked in G2 phase [17].

Anatomical context of cantharidin


Associations of cantharidin with other chemical compounds


Gene context of cantharidin


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of cantharidin


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