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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
Chemical Compound Review

Elactocin     (2E,5S,6R,7S,9R,10E,12E,15R,16 Z,18E)-17...

Synonyms: Mantuamycin, Leptomycin B, CI-940, AC1O5LDH, LS-96801, ...
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Disease relevance of LMB


High impact information on LMB


Biological context of LMB


Anatomical context of LMB

  • This communication demonstrates that LMB treatment of various cell lines led to an increase in the steady-state levels of the p53 protein as a result of an increase in its stability [13].
  • In mitotic cells where CRM1 is in the cytoplasm, adenovirus particles were not associated with microtubules but upon LMB treatment, they enriched at the spindle poles implying that CRM1 inhibited microtubule association of adenovirus [1].
  • Alteration of conserved leucine residues to alanine within Jab1/CSN5-NES abolished the interaction with CRM1 in vitro and impaired LMB-sensitive nuclear export and the ability to induce p27 breakdown in cultured cells [14].
  • By contrast, LmB treatment of v-src-transformed fibroblasts caused endogenous AnxII to accumulate in nuclei [15].
  • In LMB-treated cells, vRNPs were found in a peripheral nuclear location that localized with the nuclear lamina. vRNPs were not colocalized with either M1 or NS2 [16].

Associations of LMB with other chemical compounds

  • Moreover, we show that expression of the NES-disrupted cyclin B1 or LMB treatment of the cells is able to override the DNA damage-induced G2 checkpoint when combined with caffeine treatment [9].
  • Using purified recombinant factors, we show by co-precipitation, gel mobility shift and protein footprinting assays that full-length Rev protein interacts directly with CRM1 in vitro independently of both the integrity of the characteristic leucine residues of the NES and the presence of the cytotoxin leptomycin B (LMB) [17].
  • Dioxin treatment caused a more rapid accumulation of AhR in the nucleus than LMB treatment [18].

Gene context of LMB

  • It is predicted that LMB should inhibit nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling by MDM2 and subsequently stabilize p53 [13].
  • Further, we demonstrated that Abi-1 shuttles in and out of the nucleus in a leptomycin B (LMB)-dependent manner and that complete nuclear translocation of Abi-1 in the absence of LMB requires the combined inactivation of the SNARE, WAB, and SH3 domains of Abi-1 [19].
  • Nuclear-cytoplasmic translocation plays an important role because leptomycin B (LMB), a chemical inhibitor of CRM1-dependent nuclear export, prevents p27 degradation mediated by Jab1/CSN5 [14].
  • Besides the tetradecapeptide repeat domain, human HDAC6 possesses two LMB-sensitive nuclear export signals and a nuclear localization signal [20].
  • Indeed, we observed that nuclear export of human NMD3 (hNMD3) is sensitive to leptomycin B (LMB), which inactivates CRM1 [21].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of LMB

  • In situ hybridization experiments performed with a Texas red-coupled oligo(dT) probe revealed that LMB produced a partial short-term accumulation of a poly(A)+RNA subset in the nucleus [22].


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