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Chemical Compound Review

Bestatin     (2S)-2-[[(2S,3R)-3-amino-2- hydroxy-4...

Synonyms: Ubenimex, Ubestatin, Ubenimexum, Tocris-1956, SureCN7944, ...
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Disease relevance of NK 421


High impact information on NK 421


Chemical compound and disease context of NK 421


Biological context of NK 421


Anatomical context of NK 421


Associations of NK 421 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of NK 421


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of NK 421


  1. Effect of ubenimex on the proliferation and differentiation of U937 human histiocytic lymphoma cells. Murata, M., Kubota, Y., Tanaka, T., Iida-Tanaka, K., Takahara, J., Irino, S. Leukemia (1994) [Pubmed]
  2. Purification and characterization of a ubenimex (Bestatin)-sensitive aminopeptidase B-like enzyme from K562 human chronic myeloid leukemia cells. Yamada, M., Sukenaga, Y., Fujii, H., Abe, F., Takeuchi, T. FEBS Lett. (1994) [Pubmed]
  3. Induction of graft-versus-host disease and a graft-versus-leukemia effect using ubenimex in a patient with infantile leukemia relapsing after an unrelated cord blood transplant. Okada, H., Nomi, K., Hamatani, S., Kuromi, T., Nanba, M., Imai, T., Isobe, K., Itoh, S. Bone Marrow Transplant. (2002) [Pubmed]
  4. Ubenimex activates the E-cadherin-mediated adhesion of a breast cancer cell line YMB-S. Fujioka, S., Kohno, N., Hiwada, K. Jpn. J. Cancer Res. (1995) [Pubmed]
  5. Induction of apoptosis by bestatin (ubenimex) in human leukemic cell lines. Sekine, K., Fujii, H., Abe, F. Leukemia (1999) [Pubmed]
  6. Ubenimex in the treatment of acute nonlymphocytic leukemia in adults. Urabe, A., Mutoh, Y., Mizoguchi, H., Takaku, F., Ogawa, N. Ann. Hematol. (1993) [Pubmed]
  7. Enhancement by ubenimex (bestatin) of host resistance to Candida albicans infection. Aoyagi, K., Itoh, N., Abe, F., Abe, S., Uchida, K., Ishizuka, M., Takeuchi, T., Yamaguchi, H. J. Antibiot. (1992) [Pubmed]
  8. Long-term cytogenetic remission with ubenimex monotherapy in a case of chronic myeloid leukemia. Kanamori, H., Takasaki, H., Takabayashi, M., Yamaji, S., Koharazawa, H., Fujimaki, K., Taguchi, J., Ishigatsubo, Y. Anticancer Drugs (2004) [Pubmed]
  9. Pharmacokinetic and clinical pilot study of high-dose intermittent ubenimex treatment in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome. Ueda, T., Tohyama, K., Wano, Y., Tsutani, H., Fukushima, T., Iwasaki, H., Urasaki, Y., Gotoh, N., Kimura, S., Okumura, E. Anticancer Res. (1994) [Pubmed]
  10. In vitro augmentation of cytotoxic activity of peripheral blood lymphocytes and spleen cells of cancer patients by ubenimex. Iwahashi, M., Tanimura, H., Yamaue, H., Tsunoda, T., Tani, M., Noguchi, K., Mizobata, S., Tamai, M., Hotta, T., Arii, K. Anticancer Res. (1994) [Pubmed]
  11. Radioimmunoassay for ubenimex in human serum. Koyama, M., Watanabe, N., Asakawa, N. Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis. (1992) [Pubmed]
  12. Effects of ubenimex on erythroid progenitors (CFU-E and BFU-E) in human bone marrow. Aoki, I., Higashi, K., Nishijima, K., Homori, M., Chikazawa, H., Ishikawa, K. Exp. Hematol. (1991) [Pubmed]
  13. Induction of apoptosis by ubenimex (Bestatin) in human non-small-cell lung cancer cell lines. Ezawa, K., Minato, K., Dobashi, K. Biomed. Pharmacother. (1996) [Pubmed]
  14. Aminopeptidase inhibitors inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis of K562 and STI571-resistant K562 cell lines through the MAPK and GSK-3beta pathways. Sawafuji, K., Miyakawa, Y., Weisberg, E., Griffin, J.D., Ikeda, Y., Kizaki, M. Leuk. Lymphoma (2003) [Pubmed]
  15. Synthesis of p-hydroxyubenimex. Saino, T., Seya, K., Nishizawa, R., Takita, T., Aoyagi, T., Umezawa, H. J. Antibiot. (1987) [Pubmed]
  16. Enhancement of interleukin 1 and interleukin 2 releases by ubenimex. Shibuya, K., Hayashi, E., Abe, F., Takahashi, K., Horinishi, H., Ishizuka, M., Takeuchi, T., Umezawa, H. J. Antibiot. (1987) [Pubmed]
  17. Ubenimex treatment enhances the susceptibility of gastric cancer cell lines to lymphokine-activated killer cells. Iwahashi, M., Tanimura, H., Yamaue, H., Tani, M., Noguchi, K., Mizobata, S., Tsunoda, T., Tamai, M., Hotta, T., Arii, K. Anticancer Res. (1994) [Pubmed]
  18. Randomized trials between behenoyl cytarabine and cytarabine in combination induction and consolidation therapy, and with or without ubenimex after maintenance/intensification therapy in adult acute myeloid leukemia. The Japan Leukemia Study Group. Kobayashi, T., Miyawaki, S., Tanimoto, M., Kuriyama, K., Murakami, H., Yoshida, M., Minami, S., Minato, K., Tsubaki, K., Ohmoto, E., Oh, H., Jinnai, I., Sakamaki, H., Hiraoka, A., Kanamaru, A., Takahashi, I., Saito, K., Naoe, T., Yamada, O., Asou, N., Kageyama, S., Emi, N., Matsuoka, A., Tomonaga, M., Ohno, R. J. Clin. Oncol. (1996) [Pubmed]
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