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Gene Review

CD68  -  CD68 molecule

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: DKFZp686M18236, GP110, Gp110, LAMP4, Macrosialin, ...
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Disease relevance of CD68

  • Staining for CD68 also revealed that the grafts had undergone reorganization of the tissue, possibly as a result of fibroblast hyperplasia [1].
  • Here we demonstrate that the anti-apoptotic protein, Bcl-2, is highly expressed in RA compared with osteoarthritis synovial tissues, particularly in the CD68-negative, fibroblast-like synoviocyte population [2].
  • Marked apoptosis of CD68-negative type II pneumocytes (30 to 80%) was detected in four of the seven (57%) cases of acute lung injury [3].
  • A substantial increase in MPs was observed in CNS tissue from patients with HIVE, relative to seronegative controls and patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome but without encephalitis, as determined by CD68 and CD16 immunohistochemistry [4].
  • There was a significant association between infiltration of CD8, CD20, and CD68-positive cells after BCG therapy and therapeutic effects [5].

Psychiatry related information on CD68

  • Finally the increased expression of MHC II and CD68 detected in drug abusers with HIVE compared to nondrug abusers with HIVE suggests that the combination of drug abuse and HIV infection has a greater deleterious effect on the brain than either individual insult on its own [6].
  • We have, therefore, examined six brains from cases of sporadic CJD by immunohistochemical labelling of grey and white matter microglia from frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes, striatum, thalamus, cerebellum and brain stem with RCA-1, LCA, CD68, HLA-DR, and HAM56 [7].

High impact information on CD68


Chemical compound and disease context of CD68


Biological context of CD68

  • This study also suggests that CD68+ cells are instrumental in the chondrolysis process while vascular cells (endothelial and myoid cells) may be the critical microenvironment at the onset of hematopoiesis [18].
  • We have isolated cDNA clones encoding CD68 from a U937 cDNA library by transient expression in COS cells and panning with the anti-CD68 monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) Y2/131, Y1/82A, EBM11, and Ki-M6 [19].
  • Both CD68 and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma gene expression were increased in the poorly controlled diabetic group (P < 0.05 for each), whose monocytes also displayed increased attachment to endothelial monolayers (P < 0.0005 vs. nondiabetic control subjects) [20].
  • RESULTS: mRNA levels of specific macrophage markers (CD68 and CD14) are correlated with adiposity in sc AT and visceral AT (P < 0.05) [21].
  • From 11 to 14 weeks of gestation, CD68-positive and CD40-positive cells, like MHC class II--positive cells, were present throughout the lamina propria; few CD3-positive cells (T cells) were observed [22].

Anatomical context of CD68

  • Despite expressing antigens in common with blood monocytes, monocyte-derived dendritic cells, and macrophages, NLCs expressed significantly higher levels of CD68 than these other cell types [23].
  • CD68 is a 110-Kd transmembrane glycoprotein of unknown function highly expressed by human monocytes and tissue macrophages [19].
  • Consistent with the notion that NLCs are present in vivo, CD14+ splenocytes from CLL patients have NLC morphology and express significantly higher levels of CD68 than CD14+ splenocytes from persons without known B-cell malignancy [23].
  • CD68 transcripts are constitutively present in the promonocyte cell line U937 and are upregulated by phorbol myristic acid (PMA) [19].
  • Double immunostaining with the anti-ER MAb and with specific MAb to detect different macrophage antigens (Ber-MAC3, MAC387, CD68) and CD8+ T cell subsets (CD29+, CD45RO+ and CD29-, CD45RO-) was performed [24].

Associations of CD68 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of CD68

  • Exogenous JunB restored AP-1 DNA-binding but did not prevent inhibition of macrosialin expression by C/EBPalpha-ER, indicating that JunB is not the only target relevant to inhibition of monopoiesis by C/EBPalpha [30].
  • Accumulation of macrophages labeled with monoclonal antibodies against CD 68 and major histocompatibility complex class II antigens were observed around the massive amyloid deposits [31].

Co-localisations of CD68


Regulatory relationships of CD68


Other interactions of CD68

  • Freshly isolated CD34+ CB cells were negative for LZ and LF, and only small proportions expressed MPO (4% +/- 2%) or CD68 (3% +/- 1%) [40].
  • Conversely, brain-derived macrophages did not express antigens CD4, CD14, or CD68/Ki-M6, which are easily detected on freshly isolated monocytes [41].
  • Double immunostaining showed no coexpression of BMPR-positive cells with CD68, CD34, or CD3 [42].
  • Double-immunolabelling for poly(ADP-ribose) and markers of neuronal, astrocytic and microglial differentiation (MAP2, GFAP and CD68, respectively) showed many of the cells containing poly(ADP-ribose) to be neurons [43].
  • These data suggest that beta2GPI can bind cells that fail to maintain membrane lipid asymmetry and generate a specific bridging moiety that is recognized for clearance by a phagocyte receptor that is distinct from CD36, CD68, and CD14 [44].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CD68


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