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Gene Review

CDH15  -  cadherin 15, type 1, M-cadherin (myotubule)

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CDH14, CDH3, CDHM, Cadherin-14, Cadherin-15, ...
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Disease relevance of CDH15


High impact information on CDH15

  • Solution studies using ETF and MCAD with mutations at the protein-protein interface support this dynamic model and indicate ionic interactions between MCAD Glu(212) and ETF Arg alpha(249) are likely to transiently stabilize productive conformations of the FAD domain leading to enhanced electron transfer rates between both partners [5].
  • M-cadherin and microtubules have been proposed to mediate the fusion of myoblasts to myotubes [3].
  • Interestingly, we show that M-cadherin is downregulated in caveolin-3 transgenic cells and upregulated in caveolin-3 null cells [3].
  • Complex formation in an in vivo environment was demonstrated in (1) yeast two-hybrid screens, using a cDNA library from differentiating skeletal muscle and part of the cytoplasmic M-cadherin tail as a bait, and (2) mammalian cells, using a novel experimental system, the MOM recruitment assay [6].
  • The cytoplasmic domain of the transmembrane protein M-cadherin is involved in anchoring cytoskeletal elements to the plasma membrane at cell-cell contact sites [6].

Biological context of CDH15


Anatomical context of CDH15

  • The cell population was identified using the satellite markers CD34, m-cadherin and Myf5, and the proliferative capacity of the adult stem cells was determined [9].
  • Immunostaining for M-cadherin, an adhesion molecule present at the interface between myofibre and satellite cell, and the characteristic position adjacent to the muscle fibre and beneath the fibre's basement membrane were used to identify satellite cells [10].
  • In contrast to true desmosomes, including those of the dendritic reticulum cells of lymph node follicles, the retothelial junctions are negative for any of the known desmosomal cadherins (desmogleins and desmocollins) and also for E- and M-cadherin [11].

Associations of CDH15 with chemical compounds

  • In a previous communication, we demonstrated that the medium-chain fatty acyl CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD) catalyzed conversion of 3-indolepropionyl CoA (IPCoA) to trans-3-indoleacryloyl CoA (IACoA) proceeds via the formation of an intermediary species X that possesses the electronic properties of reduced flavin and highly conjugated CoA product [12].
  • The diagnostic usefulness of the method was demonstrated in nine patients with medium-chain acyl-coenzyme A (CoA) dehydrogenase (MCAD) deficiency, and seven patients with multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenation defect (MAD) [13].
  • Prolonged moderate-intensity exercise without and with L: -carnitine supplementation in patients with MCAD deficiency [14].
  • Three copper(II) complexes containing beta-cyclodextrin (betaCD) derivatives as ligands [mono-6-methylamino-6-deoxy-betaCD dithiocarbamate (CDTC), mono-6-histamino-6-deoxy-betaCD (CDHM) and mono-6-Nalpha-arginyl-6-deoxy-betaCD (CDARG)] have been studied by electron paramagnetic resonance [15].

Co-localisations of CDH15


Other interactions of CDH15

  • Isolated cells were positive for desmin, M-cadherin, and myogenin [16].
  • The alpha7-positive human fetal progenitors were efficient at forming myotubes and a majority expressed known muscle markers including M-cadherin and c-Met, but were heterogeneous for desmin and MyoD expression [17].
  • M-cadherin and myogenin staining were also elevated 7.7- and 3.8-fold (P < 0.0001), respectively, in Stim compared with control, indicating increases in quiescent and terminally differentiating satellite cells; these increases were abolished by gamma-irradiation [18].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CDH15


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