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Gene Review

MET  -  MET proto-oncogene, receptor tyrosine kinase

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: AUTS9, HGF receptor, HGF/SF receptor, HGFR, Hepatocyte growth factor receptor, ...
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Disease relevance of MET


Psychiatry related information on MET


High impact information on MET

  • The same bidentate motif is conserved in the evolutionarily related receptors Sea and Ron, suggesting that in all members of the HGF/SF receptor family, signal transduction is channeled through a multifunctional binding site [6].
  • Inhibition of complex formation is sufficient to block HGF receptor internalization and to enhance HGF-induced signal transduction and biological responses [7].
  • Cbl, in turn, binds and ubiquitinates activated HGF receptor, and by recruiting the endophilin-CIN85 complex, it regulates receptor internalization [7].
  • The endophilin-CIN85-Cbl complex mediates ligand-dependent downregulation of c-Met [7].
  • These data provide further evidence of a relationship between receptor-mediated signalling and endocytosis, and disclose a novel functional role for Cbl in HGF receptor signalling [7].

Chemical compound and disease context of MET


Biological context of MET


Anatomical context of MET

  • Upon ligand binding, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) receptor (Met) is polyubiquitinated and degraded; however, the mechanisms underlying HGF receptor endocytosis are not yet known [7].
  • Importantly, the c-Met ligand HGF/SF is produced at high levels by tonsillar stromal cells thus providing signals for the regulation of adhesion and migration within the lymphoid microenvironment [12].
  • We observed that c-Met is predominantly expressed on CD38(+)CD77(+) tonsillar B cells localized in the dark zone of the GC (centroblasts) [12].
  • Here we show that epithelial cells, in which the HGF receptor is naturally expressed, contain FAP68 and not FAP48 proteins [15].
  • In the present study, we explored the expression of CD44-HS, c-Met, and HGF/SF in the normal human colon mucosa, and in colorectal adenomas and carcinomas, as well as their interaction in colorectal cancer cell lines [2].

Associations of MET with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of MET


Enzymatic interactions of MET


Regulatory relationships of MET


Other interactions of MET

  • CD44 is required for two consecutive steps in HGF/c-Met signaling [28].
  • We conclude that Ras and Rac act downstream of the SF/HGF receptor p190Met to mediate cell spreading but that an additional signal is required to induce scattering [29].
  • FAP68 binding to Met requires the last 30 amino acids of the C-terminal tail, which are unique to the HGF receptor [15].
  • Both VEGF receptor-2 and HGF receptor proteins were detected mainly in posterior portions of the membrane as well as in vessel walls and along the retinal interface where angiogenesis was active [30].
  • In our in vitro model of CRC migration and invasion, uPA and uPAR appear to be downstream of IGF-IR and c-Met and are required for migration and invasion [25].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of MET


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  5. Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor and its receptor c-Met are overexpressed and associated with an increased microvessel density in malignant pleural mesothelioma. Tolnay, E., Kuhnen, C., Wiethege, T., König, J.E., Voss, B., Müller, K.M. J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol. (1998) [Pubmed]
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