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Gene Review

AK1  -  adenylate kinase 1

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Disease relevance of AK1


High impact information on AK1

  • The effects of phosphorylation by A-kinase on native neurofilaments (NF) composed of three distinct subunits: NF-L, NF-M, and NF-H, however, have not yet been described [3].
  • In this paper, we examined the effects of phosphorylation of NF proteins by A-kinase on both native and reassembled filaments containing all three NF subunits [3].
  • The active catalytic subunit of A-kinase applied intracellularly through the recording pipette failed to alter functional expression of IAC [4].
  • Adrenocorticotropic hormone and cAMP inhibit noninactivating K+ current in adrenocortical cells by an A-kinase-independent mechanism requiring ATP hydrolysis [4].
  • Neurofilament phosphatase (NF-phosphatase) activity, which dephosphorylates NF proteins phosphorylated by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (A-kinase), was detected in NF fractions prepared from bovine spinal cords [5].

Biological context of AK1


Anatomical context of AK1


Associations of AK1 with chemical compounds

  • The chain folds of the adenylate kinase isoenzymes are similar again from a position corresponding to residue 115 of AK1 onwards [14].
  • These effects are very similar to those seen with cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (A-kinase) [15].
  • The depsipeptide that lacks a Leu6 amide proton is a good substrate for A-kinase, but the corresponding N-methylated peptide is phosphorylated far less efficiently [16].
  • As part of a search for peptides that have specificity for selected protein kinases, the possibility that adenosine cyclic 3',5'-phosphate dependent protein kinase (A-kinase) recognizes the hydrogen-bonding potential of its peptide substrates was investigated [16].
  • This result and others presented in this paper suggest that although enzyme-substrate hydrogen bonding may play some role in A-kinase catalysis of phosphoryl group transfer, other explanations are necessary to account for the relative reactivities of N alpha-methylated and depsi-containing peptide 1 analogues.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)[16]

Enzymatic interactions of AK1

  • HMG 14 phosphorylated by both A-kinase and NII-kinase eluted from double-stranded DNA-columns almost identically (190 mM NaCl) with the unphosphorylated protein [17].

Other interactions of AK1

  • Bovine heart AK2 contains 44 residues more than the homologous isoenzyme AK1 (myokinase) [6].
  • With 30% of all aligned residues being identical, the homology between AK3 and AK1 is well established [18].
  • Prephosphorylation of tau by A-kinase, C-kinase, or CK-2 (but not by CK-1, CaM kinase II or Gr kinase) increased both the rate and extent of a subsequent phosphorylation catalyzed by GSK-3 by several-fold [19].
  • In one step, this technique separates the phosphorylated derivative from A-kinase, ATP, unphosphorylated HMG 14, and a minor phosphorylated by-product which evidence suggests may be the previously reported Ser 6, 24-diphospho-HMG 14 [13].
  • These results suggest that spermine may inhibit TH activity by interacting with the pterin binding site of the enzyme molecule in a manner of negative cooperativity, and that this inhibition is reversed by the conformational change of regulatory domain of TH after phosphorylation by A-kinase [20].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of AK1


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