Gene Review:
ADA - adenosine deaminase
Gallus gallus
- Adenosine deaminase in cell transformation. Biophysical manifestation of membrane dynamics. Porat, N., Gill, D., Parola, A.H. J. Biol. Chem. (1988)
- Adenosine-induced apoptosis in chick embryonic sympathetic neurons: a new physiological role for adenosine. Wakade, T.D., Palmer, K.C., McCauley, R., Przywara, D.A., Wakade, A.R. J. Physiol. (Lond.) (1995)
- Probabilistic secretion of quanta from nerve terminals in avian ciliary ganglia modulated by adenosine. Bennett, M.R., Ho, S. J. Physiol. (Lond.) (1991)
- Homologous sensitisation of embryonic chick atrial myocytes to adenosine: mediation by adenosine A1 receptor and guanine nucleotide binding protein. Liang, B.T., Hirsch, A.J. Cardiovasc. Res. (1993)
- Adenosine deaminase activity of chicken erythrocyte and heart cytosols. Spivey, D.B., Snow, L.D. Int. J. Biochem. (1989)
- Chicken embryo fibroblasts exposed to weak, time-varying magnetic fields share cell proliferation, adenosine deaminase activity, and membrane characteristics of transformed cells. Parola, A.H., Porat, N., Kiesow, L.A. Bioelectromagnetics. (1993)
- Adenosine deaminase 2 from chicken liver: purification, characterization, and N-terminal amino acid sequence. Iwaki-Egawa, S., Namiki, C., Watanabe, Y. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B, Biochem. Mol. Biol. (2004)
- Adenosine deaminase in chicken-egg yolk and its relation to homologous enzymes in liver and plasma of the adult hen. De Boeck, S., Rymen, T., Stockx, J. Eur. J. Biochem. (1975)
- Adenine nucleotide metabolism in isolated chicken hepatocytes. Spychała, J., Van den Berghe, G. Biochem. J. (1987)
- Inheritance of adenosine deaminase variants in chickens and turkeys. Grunder, A.A., Hollands, K.G. Animal blood groups and biochemical genetics. (1978)