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Gene Review

MT-CO3  -  mitochondrially encoded cytochrome c...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CO3, COIII, COX3, COXIII, Cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide III, ...
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Disease relevance of MT-CO3


High impact information on MT-CO3

  • COX-3: just another COX or the solitary elusive target of paracetamol [6]?
  • Dicyclohexyl carbodiimide (DCCD) modifies a conserved glutamic acid residue in COIII and abolishes the proton translocation activity of the enzyme [7].
  • COIII is one of the major subunits in the mitochondrial and a bacterial cytochrome c oxidase, cytochrome aa3 [2].
  • The mutant phenotype can be complemented by introducing the COIII gene back to cells in a plasmid vector [2].
  • This suggests that the region of base pairing between individual guide RNAs and the COIII transcript is not strictly conserved in kinetoplastids, implying gradual evolution of the editing process [8].

Biological context of MT-CO3


Anatomical context of MT-CO3


Associations of MT-CO3 with chemical compounds

  • Two previously unreported amino acid replacements were detected in a third individual: amino acid 193 of cytochrome b was changed from alanine to threonine, and amino acid 88 of COIII was changed from threonine to alanine [17].
  • Pre-edited COII mRNA was similarly cleaved adjacent to its small editing domain, while pre-edited COIII RNA was cleaved at multiple sites in the region where uridine addition and deletion occurs in vivo [18].
  • COX-3, a variant of COX-1, has been found in canine brain and is inhibited by acetaminophen and dipyrone at physiological concentrations [19].
  • Estrogen-nucleic acid adducts: guanine is major site for interaction between 3,4-estrone quinone and COIII gene [20].
  • The observation that obstruction of in vitro replication of COIII template bound to 3,4-EQ suggests that estrogen quinone adducted lesions can arrest DNA polymerase [20].

Other interactions of MT-CO3

  • Loss of these two residues removes the termination codon for MTATP6 and sets MTCO3 immediately in frame [21].
  • In parallel, total RNA was extracted from samples of dissected heart and analyzed by Northern blot hybridization to determine the steady-state level of three RNA transcripts encoded by the COXII, COXIII, and COXIV genes [22].
  • The mRNA levels for the mtDNA-encoded 12 S rRNA, ND2, ATPase6+8, COIII, ND5+6, and Cytb genes were also increased, whereas the mtDNA number declined [23].
  • Three genes (COIII, NADH3 and NADH4) were not terminated by a stop codon [24].
  • Nucleotide substitutions with a potential for phenotypic effects were found in the 12S and 16S rRNA and in the ND1 and COIII genes [25].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of MT-CO3

  • Northern Blot and quantitative real-time reverse transcription-PCR analysis further demonstrated that the primary ATP6--COX3 transcript is cleaved to the ATP6 and COX3 mRNAs 2-3-fold less efficiently [26].
  • Sequence analysis of muscle mtDNA resulted in the identification of a virtually homoplasmic frameshift mutation in the COIII gene, due to the insertion of an extra C at nucleotide position 9537 of mtDNA [27].
  • A PCR analysis of 21 cox3 clones, designed to measure the length of 5' and 3' ends separately, indicated that the greatest variability in length was found at the 3' end [12].
  • In this study, the invariant carboxylic acids E98 (the DCCD-binding glutamic acid) and D259 of COIII were changed by site-directed mutagenesis to study their role in proton pumping [7].
  • Northern hybridizations with potato and cauliflower (Brassica oleraceae) mtRNA and RT-PCR analyses using potato mtRNA indicated that cox3 and sdh4 are co-transcribed in both species, generating a complex transcription pattern, where several transcripts from 1.1 kb to 4.4 kb are found [28].


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