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Gene Review

SNTA1  -  syntrophin, alpha 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: 59 kDa dystrophin-associated protein A1 acidic component 1, Alpha-1-syntrophin, LQT12, Pro-TGF-alpha cytoplasmic domain-interacting protein 1, SNT1, ...
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Disease relevance of SNTA1


High impact information on SNTA1


Biological context of SNTA1


Anatomical context of SNTA1


Associations of SNTA1 with chemical compounds

  • Understanding the assembly of this complex at the developing synapse led us to investigate, in Torpedo electrocyte, the intracellular routing and the targeting of several of its components, including dystroglycan, syntrophin, dystrophin and dystrobrevin [20].
  • Alpha1-syntrophin, a scaffolding adapter and modular protein, is a cytoplasmic component of the dystrophin glycoprotein complex [21].

Physical interactions of SNTA1


Enzymatic interactions of SNTA1

  • The observation that a monoclonal antibody directed against epitopes within exons 73-74 (MANEX7374A) failed to detect this 58 kDa protein provides definitive evidence that Dp71 big up tri, open(110) is derived from Dp71 transcripts deleted for the syntrophin-binding domain [15].

Other interactions of SNTA1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of SNTA1


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