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Gene Review

UTRN  -  utrophin

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: DMDL, DRP, DRP-1, DRP1, Dystrophin-related protein 1, ...
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Disease relevance of UTRN


Psychiatry related information on UTRN

  • CONCLUSIONS: Two DRPs, needs additional drug therapy and wrong drug, are associated with reduced self-reported physical health in arthritis and low back pain, while the DRP needs additional drug therapy is also associated with reduced self-reported mental health [5].
  • All subjects were interviewed by psychiatrists and were administered psychological tests such as SAS (self-rating anxiety scale), SDS (self-rating depression scale), POMS (Profile of Mood States), HADS (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) and DRP (Depression-related personality traits) [6].

High impact information on UTRN


Chemical compound and disease context of UTRN


Biological context of UTRN


Anatomical context of UTRN


Associations of UTRN with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of UTRN


Enzymatic interactions of UTRN


Regulatory relationships of UTRN

  • Utrophin is therefore expressed in the presence and absence of dystrophin and down-regulated before birth in normal fetal muscle fibres [25].

Other interactions of UTRN

  • The cardiac expression of the dystrophin related protein utrophin was increased, and the 43 kDa (beta-dystroglycan), 50 kDa (alpha-sarcoglycan) and 59 kDa (syntrophin) dystrophin associated proteins (DAPs) were co-isolated and present in nearly normal amounts in the membrane [26].
  • The staining intensities of utrophin, vimentin and desmin were also higher in small regenerating fibers [27].
  • We found no correlation between utrophin expression and DAP expression [28].
  • Here, we present the 2.0 A structure of the second calponin homology domain of utrophin solved by X-ray crystallography, and compare it to the other calponin homology domains previously determined from spectrin and fimbrin [29].
  • In Becker dystrophy, 43DAG expression was more extensive around individual fibres, showed more interfibre variation and was more closely related to the intensity of immunolabelling for both dystrophin and utrophin than in Duchenne dystrophy [30].
  • Laser-capture microscopy of tibialis anterior NMJ and extrasynaptic transcriptomes and gene transfer studies provide spatial and direct evidence, respectively, for ERF-mediated utrophin repression in vivo [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of UTRN


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