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Gene Review

NP  -  nucleocapsid protein

Human parainfluenza virus 2

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Disease relevance of NP

  • Marked differences in the apparent Mrs of the HN, NP and F proteins of simian virus 5 (SV5) and parainfluenza virus type 2 (PF-2) were revealed by SDS-PAGE [1].
  • These antibodies had specificities for the HN, NP and P proteins and together with 54 MAbs to SV5 were tested for their ability to react with SV5, PF-2, PF-3, mumps and measles virus proteins [1].
  • Six other Sendai virus monoclonal antibodies directed against four different epitopes of the HN protein and one directed against the NP protein cross-reacted with mumps virus [2].
  • A recombinant baculovirus expressing the nucleocapsid gene (NP) of Newcastle disease virus (NDV), a member of the genus Rubulavirus, has been generated and shown to express the native protein to high levels in insect cells [3].
  • Significant differences in nucleocapsid morphology within the Paramyxoviridae [4].

High impact information on NP

  • Two regions of mumps virus were amplified: the nucleocapsid gene and the polymerase-associated protein gene [5].
  • Variations were found in four, three, and three different antigenic sites of the NP, P, and HN proteins, respectively [6].
  • A recombinant expression plasmid was designed to produce antisense oligonucleotides targeted to the 5' end of the MV nucleocapsid protein mRNA [7].
  • The epitopes recognized by 41 monoclonal antibodies directed against the nucleocapsid protein (NP) of human parainfluenza virus type 2 (hPIV-2) were mapped on the primary structure of the hPIV-2 NP protein by testing their reactivities with deletion mutants [8].
  • Therefore, we conclude that the P protein acts as a chaperone, preventing uncontrolled encapsidation of non-viral RNA by NP protein [3].

Chemical compound and disease context of NP


Biological context of NP


Anatomical context of NP

  • Of 30 hybridoma clones against PIV-4B, 13 clones were found to produce antibodies against the NP protein, 7 against the HN protein, and 10 against the F protein [14].
  • When using the MAb against the NP protein, nucleocapsid organization was the most prominent feature and resulted in the formation of cytoplasmic inclusion bodies visible by light and electron microscopy [15].
  • To study the interaction between NP and P proteins, we established HeLa cell lines that constitutively expressed the NP and/or P proteins of human parainfluenza virus type 2 (hPIV-2) [12].
  • Ribozyme-mediated decrease in mumps virus nucleocapsid mRNA level and progeny in infected vero cells [16].
  • The proliferative T lymphocyte responses to two different mumps antigen preparations, S (nucleocapsid) and V (viral envelope), were characterized [17].

Associations of NP with chemical compounds


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of NP

  • CsCl density gradient centrifugation indicated that almost all of the NP protein in the cells had assembled into nucleocapsid-like structures [19].
  • In the HN and NP components, RIPA revealed variations in three and seven determinants respectively [20].
  • In addition, cells co-expressing NP and P proteins with N-terminal deletions showed immunofluorescence staining patterns (granular pattern) similar to those found in hPIV-2-infected cells [12].
  • Co-immunoprecipitation assays revealed that the NP and P proteins can form complexes in HeLa cells expressing both proteins (HeLa-NP+P cells) and in mixed cell lysates of HeLa-NP and HeLa-P cells [12].
  • In situ hybridization carried out with a 3H-labeled DNA probe, specific for the measles nucleocapsid protein, detects measles virus nucleotide sequences in the nuclei and cytoplasm of pagetic osteoclasts, confirming ultrastructural and immunocytologic findings [21].


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