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Disease relevance of Mumps


High impact information on Mumps

  • Although 15-minute skin reactions to schistosomal antigens remained unchanged, niridazole reduced or ablated positive 48-hour skin reactions to tuberculin (PPD), mumps and schistosome antigens in all patients tested six and 15 days after therapy began [6].
  • Candida and mumps antigens resulted in significantly more positive responses than did TT or PPD [7].
  • Antibodies against the mumps virus envelope glycoprotein, M-protein, and nucleoprotein could be demonstrated by immunoprecipitation and the antibody patterns in serum and CSF were similar [8].
  • Iodide mumps after repeated exposure to iodinated contrast media [9].
  • To our knowledge, this is the first report of mumps virus infection related to a disorder similar to juvenile rheumatoid arthritis [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Mumps


Biological context of Mumps


Anatomical context of Mumps


Gene context of Mumps

  • Like other paramyxoviruses in the genus Rubulavirus, mumps virus catalyzes the proteasomal degradation of cellular STAT1 protein, a means for escaping antiviral responses initiated by alpha/beta and gamma interferons [17].
  • We demonstrate that mumps virus also eliminates cellular STAT3, a protein that mediates transcriptional responses to cytokines, growth factors, nonreceptor tyrosine kinases, and a variety of oncogenic stimuli [17].
  • Simian virus 5 (SV5) targets STAT1, human parainfluenza virus 2 targets STAT2, and mumps virus targets both STAT1 and STAT3 [25].
  • We have defined the T cell reactivities to measles and mumps virus and to MAG in an immunospot assay which is based on the detection of secretion of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) by single cells upon stimulation with specific antigen in short term cultures [26].
  • Mumps viral antigen induced primarily IFN-alpha regardless of the immunological status of the donor [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Mumps


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