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Growth Disorders

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Disease relevance of Growth Disorders


High impact information on Growth Disorders


Chemical compound and disease context of Growth Disorders


Biological context of Growth Disorders


Anatomical context of Growth Disorders


Gene context of Growth Disorders

  • A precise understanding of the actions of SOCS proteins in GH signalling may offer new opportunities for therapeutic intervention in growth disorders and other conditions involving GH action [18].
  • This suggests that the growth disorders in this group of children might be due to a defect in a DNA region regulating expression of the GHR and IGF1 genes or genes involved in their regulation [19].
  • Thus, TrkB agonists and antagonists deserve exploration as novel hair growth-modulatory drugs for the management of common hair growth disorders [20].
  • Of the growth disorders that involve excessive growth, many could be attributable to overexpression of IGF2 [21].
  • These findings strongly support TRPV1 as a significant novel player in human hair growth control, underscore the physiological importance of TRPV1 in human skin beyond nociception, and identify TRPV1 as a promising, novel target for pharmacological manipulations of epithelial growth disorders [22].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Growth Disorders

  • This work investigated in rats whether passive immunization against the endogenous GHRF in the early postnatal period led to permanent alterations of somatotropic function, similar to those observed in several human growth disorders, e.g. constitutional growth delay (CGD) [23].
  • In order to evaluate the potential use of IGF monitoring in children treated with GH, a cross-sectional study has been carried in 215 children and adolescents (134 with GH deficiency (GHD), 54 with Turner syndrome (TS) and 27 with non-GHD growth disorders) treated with GH for 0.2-13.7 years [24].


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