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Disease relevance of Orthopoxvirus


High impact information on Orthopoxvirus

  • The IL-1 beta binding activity is present in other orthopoxviruses [6].
  • An active SECRET domain was found in another viral TNFR (CrmD) and three secreted proteins encoded by orthopoxviruses [7].
  • Possessing up to three TNFRs, including CrmD, which is secreted as disulfide-linked complexes in varied amounts by CPV and ECT, likely enhances the dynamics of the immune modulating mechanisms of orthopoxviruses [8].
  • Differential inhibition of the Fas- and granule-mediated cytolysis pathways by the orthopoxvirus cytokine response modifier A/SPI-2 and SPI-1 protein [5].
  • Recent evidence suggests that orthopoxviruses have an obligate requirement for arachidonic acid metabolites during replication in vivo and in vitro [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Orthopoxvirus

  • Previous studies showed that the CDV and cyclic cidofovir (cCDV) analogs 1-O-hexa-decyloxypropyl-CDV (HDP-CDV) and 1-O-hexadecyloxypropyl-cCDV (HDP-cCDV), show >100-fold increases in antiviral activity versus the unmodified nucleosides against cells infected with orthopoxviruses, cowpox, and vaccinia virus [10].
  • Thus, the presence of two genes that belong to the plasma serine protease inhibitor superfamily may be characteristic of orthopoxviruses [11].
  • An orally bioavailable antipoxvirus compound (ST-246) inhibits extracellular virus formation and protects mice from lethal orthopoxvirus Challenge [12].
  • Treatment with the N glycosylation inhibitor tunicamycin converted the two SPI-3 proteins to a single 40-kDa protein, close to the size of 42 kDa predicted from the DNA sequence, suggesting that the SPI-3 protein, unlike the other two orthopoxvirus serpins, is a glycoprotein [13].
  • The alkoxyalkyl esters of (S)-HPMPA are promising new compounds worthy of further investigation for treatment of infections caused by herpes viruses and orthopoxviruses [14].

Biological context of Orthopoxvirus


Anatomical context of Orthopoxvirus


Gene context of Orthopoxvirus


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Orthopoxvirus


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