Chemical Compound Review:
Xyloneural 2-diethylamino-N-(2,6- dimethylphenyl)ethan...
Xylocard, LIDOPEN, Lidocaton, Lidothesin, Laryng-O-jet, ...
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- Rapid cessation of focally induced generalized seizures in rats through microinfusion of lidocaine hydrochloride into the focus. Smith, D.C., Krahl, S.E., Browning, R.A., Barea, E.J. Epilepsia (1993)
- Adding sodium bicarbonate to lidocaine enhances the depth of epidural blockade. Curatolo, M., Petersen-Felix, S., Arendt-Nielsen, L., Lauber, R., Högström, H., Scaramozzino, P., Luginbühl, M., Sieber, T.J., Zbinden, A.M. Anesth. Analg. (1998)
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- Local anesthesia for neonatal circumcision. Effects on distress and cortisol response. Stang, H.J., Gunnar, M.R., Snellman, L., Condon, L.M., Kestenbaum, R. JAMA (1988)
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- Neurokinetics of lidocaine in the infraorbital nerve of the rat in vivo: Relation to sensory block. Fink, B.R., Aasheim, G., Kish, S.J., Croley, T.S. Anesthesiology (1975)
- Reversible inhibition of rapid axonal transport in vivo by lidocaine hydrochloride. Fink, B.R., Kish, S.J. Anesthesiology (1976)
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- Successful management of intractable epilepsy with lidocaine tapes and continuous subcutaneous lidocaine infusion. Mori, K., Ito, H., Toda, Y., Hashimoto, T., Miyazaki, M., Saijo, T., Kuroda, Y. Epilepsia (2004)
- Thalamic VPM nucleus in the behaving monkey. III. Effects of reversible inactivation by lidocaine on thermal and mechanical discrimination. Duncan, G.H., Bushnell, M.C., Oliveras, J.L., Bastrash, N., Tremblay, N. J. Neurophysiol. (1993)
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- Iontophoresis as a new method of delivering local anesthesia to the urethra: a pilot study. Gorton, E., Stanton, S. Urology (1999)
- Intracameral anesthesia: in vitro iris and corneal uptake and washout of 1% lidocaine hydrochloride. Anderson, N.J., Woods, W.D., Kim, T., Rudnick, D.E., Edelhauser, H.F. Arch. Ophthalmol. (1999)
- Epidural blockade for cesarean section comparing lidocaine hydrocarbonate and lidocaine hydrochloride. Cole, C.P., McMorland, G.H., Axelson, J.E., Jenkins, L.C. Anesthesiology (1985)
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- A microdialysis model to examine nasal drug delivery and olfactory absorption in rats using lidocaine hydrochloride as a model drug. Bagger, M., Bechgaard, E. International journal of pharmaceutics. (2004)
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- Prevention of oculocardiac reflex (O.C.R) during extraocular muscle surgery. Misurya, V.K., Singh, S.P., Kulshrestha, V.K. Indian journal of ophthalmology. (1990)
- Continuous lidocaine infusion and focal feline cerebral ischemia. Shokunbi, M.T., Gelb, A.W., Wu, X.M., Miller, D.J. Stroke (1990)
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