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Amphetamine-Related Disorders

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Disease relevance of Amphetamine-Related Disorders


Psychiatry related information on Amphetamine-Related Disorders


High impact information on Amphetamine-Related Disorders


Chemical compound and disease context of Amphetamine-Related Disorders


Gene context of Amphetamine-Related Disorders

  • It would appear that the medical complications associated with amphetamine addiction are not relevant to the therapeutic use of stimulant medication in the treatment of ADHD, although there is limited information on extended periods of treatment lasting 10 years or more [18].
  • The results suggest that NPFF may modulate the neuronal process of amphetamine addiction [19].
  • Although desipramine clearly was no more effective than placebo in treatment of PCP dependence, subjects with amphetamine dependence who received desipramine remained in treatment longer and submitted more urine samples absent of amphetamine than did subjects who received placebo [20].
  • Therefore, it seems that selective adenosine A1 receptor agonists may have some attenuating influence on the development of amphetamine dependence [21].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Amphetamine-Related Disorders


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