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Interspersed Repetitive Sequences

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Disease relevance of Interspersed Repetitive Sequences


High impact information on Interspersed Repetitive Sequences


Biological context of Interspersed Repetitive Sequences


Anatomical context of Interspersed Repetitive Sequences


Associations of Interspersed Repetitive Sequences with chemical compounds

  • Members of the large serine resolvase family of site-specific recombinases are responsible for the movement of several mobile genetic elements; however, little is known regarding the structure or function of these proteins [19].
  • SCCmec is a novel class of mobile genetic element that is composed of the mec gene complex encoding methicillin resistance and the ccr gene complex that encodes recombinases responsible for its mobility [20].
  • A total of 302 chloramphenicol-resistant Staphylococcus isolates were screened for the presence of the florfenicol/chloramphenicol resistance genes fexA and cfr and their localization on mobile genetic elements [21].
  • Representative isolates were shown to carry the mobile genetic elements Tn1545 and mega, were negative for Tn1207.1, had tetracycline resistance mediated by tet(M), and contained the mef(E) variant of mef(A) [22].
  • Association of two putative Azoarcus-related transposases with the large cluster and one Azoarcus-related putative salicylate 5-hydroxylase gene (ORF2) in the small cluster suggests that mobile genetic elements were likely involved in creating the novel arrangement of catabolic and regulatory genes in P. naphthalenivorans [23].

Gene context of Interspersed Repetitive Sequences


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