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Gene Review

Su(var)205  -  Suppressor of variegation 205

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: CBX5, CG8409, DmHP-1, DmHP1, Dmel\CG8409, ...
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Disease relevance of Su(var)205


High impact information on Su(var)205

  • Consistently, JAK loss of function enhances heterochromatic gene silencing, whereas overexpressing HP1 suppresses oncogenic JAK-induced tumors [6].
  • Insulator activity is decreased when Argonaute genes required for RNAi are mutated, and insulator function is improved when the levels of the Rm62 helicase, involved in double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-mediated silencing and heterochromatin formation, are reduced [7].
  • Cytological analysis of mitotic chromosomes showed that HP1 depletion caused sex-biased chromosomal defects, including telomere fusions [8].
  • Using a Gal4-induced RNA interference system, we showed that conditional depletion of HP1 in transgenic flies resulted in preferential lethality in male flies [8].
  • These findings indicate substantial changes in the state of telomeric heterochromatin in SUV39DN cells, which are associated with abnormal telomere elongation [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Su(var)205


Biological context of Su(var)205


Anatomical context of Su(var)205


Associations of Su(var)205 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Su(var)205


Co-localisations of Su(var)205


Regulatory relationships of Su(var)205


Other interactions of Su(var)205

  • A hyperactive Su(var)3-9 mutant, pitkin(D), displays extensive H3-K9 di- and trimethylation within but also outside pericentric heterochromatin [34].
  • Whereas the majority of Su(var)s encode inherent components of heterochromatin that can establish repressive chromatin structures [intrinsic Su(var)s], Su(var)3-1 reflects gain-of-function mutants of a euchromatic component that antagonize the expansion of heterochromatic subdomains [acquired Su(var)s] [34].
  • Mutations recovered in HP2 act as dominant suppressors of position effect variegation, confirming a role in heterochromatin spreading and gene silencing [35].
  • P repression by P strains whose repressive capacities are not linked to the presence of P copies at 1A were previously found to be insensitive to Su(var)205; here, we show that they are also insensitive to aubergine mutations [36].
  • We find heterochromatin protein 1/origin recognition complex-associated protein (HOAP) to interact specifically with the originally described predominantly heterochromatic HP1a protein [15].
  • These findings implicate a direct interaction between the PIWI-mediated small RNA mechanism and heterochromatin-forming pathways in determining the epigenetic state of the fly genome [37].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Su(var)205

  • A PCR generated probe encompassing the HP1 chromo box was used to clone full-length murine cDNAs that contain conserved chromo box motifs [38].
  • Sequence comparisons, in situ hybridization experiments, and RNA Northern blot analysis suggest that the murine and human sequences presented in this report are homologues of the Drosophila HP1 gene [38].
  • Site-directed mutagenesis within the two conserved regions has shown that the 16 amino acid domain is critical for HP1 binding [39].
  • Genetic dissection of heterochromatic gene silencing in position-effect variegation (PEV) by Su(var) and E(var) mutations allowed identification and functional analysis of key factors controlling the formation of heterochromatin [40].
  • Supercompact heterochromatin is absent from the telomeres of polytene chromosomes: electron microscopy analysis identifies the telomeric cap and the tract of retroelements as a reticular material, having no discernible banding pattern, whereas TAS repeats appear as faint bands [41].


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