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Cell Physiology

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Disease relevance of Cell Physiology


High impact information on Cell Physiology

  • In this review, we define all known MAPK module kinases from yeast to humans, what is known about their regulation, defined MAPK substrates, and the function of MAPK in cell physiology [4].
  • Actin filament assembly is a tightly regulated process that functions in many aspects of cell physiology [5].
  • The non-receptor tyrosine kinase Src is important for many aspects of cell physiology [6].
  • New developments in the area of corticotrope cell physiology are discussed, highlighting evidence for dual ACTH secreting pathways in anterior pituitary cells, which may be controlled separately by AVP and CRF-41 [7].
  • Modulators of G-protein signaling have a central role in controlling cell physiology and represent over half of all marketed prescription drugs [8].

Biological context of Cell Physiology


Anatomical context of Cell Physiology


Associations of Cell Physiology with chemical compounds


Gene context of Cell Physiology

  • The heat shock protein (Hsp) 70/Hsp40 chaperone system plays an essential role in cell physiology, but few of its in vivo functions are known [24].
  • Thus, altering HER2 concentrations, either overall or local, could provide an effective mechanism for regulating EGFR/HER2 heterodimerization and may explain why HER2 overexpression found in some cancers has such a profound effect on cell physiology [25].
  • These data will help define the biochemical role of the FA core complex in normal cell physiology as well as in the development of the FA disease state [26].
  • Thus, Arl3 is a ubiquitously expressed GTP-binding protein in the ARF family with distinctive biochemical properties consistent with its having unique, but unknown, role(s) in cell physiology [27].
  • Regulation of insulin-like growth factor binding protein 4 by a specific insulin-like growth factor binding protein 4 proteinase in normal human osteoblast-like cells: implications in bone cell physiology [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cell Physiology


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