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Cardiac Volume

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Disease relevance of Cardiac Volume


High impact information on Cardiac Volume

  • At 4 weeks, negative sodium balance was achieved (52 +/- 21 mmol/day; P < 0.01), despite continued systemic arterial vasodilatation, associated with significant increases in total central and cardiac volumes (P < 0.05) and normalization of serum aldosterone levels (P < 0.01) [6].
  • Moreover, the low affinity of enalapril for cardiac ACE appears to lead to continuous angiotensin II generation in the heart and can thus explain the failure of enalapril to attenuate hypertrophic response of the heart induced by shunt despite decreasing cardiac volume overload [7].
  • Cardiac volume overload by aortocaval shunt or minoxidil treatment decreased LV collagen accumulation as compared with control rats [8].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Cardiac volume overload, even when accompanied by increased plasma renin activity, decreases LV collagen accumulation, suggesting that in contrast to the stimulatory effect of systolic wall stress, increased diastolic wall stress inhibits collagen accumulation [8].
  • The effect of cardiac volume overload on both left ventricular (LV) and right ventricular (RV) collagen and elastin and the possible role of the RAS in such changes have not yet been assessed [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of Cardiac Volume


Biological context of Cardiac Volume


Anatomical context of Cardiac Volume

  • Measurements included conventional hemodynamic and echocardiographic variables of cardiac volume conditions and systolic function of the left ventricle (fractional area change [FAC], velocity of myocardial fiber shortening) using a transesophageal probe, arterial and mixed venous blood gas parameters, and serum thyroid hormone concentrations [14].
  • A small balloon placed at the junction of the superior vena cava and right atrium was used to stimulate cardiac volume receptors in pentobarbital sodium-anesthetized male rats [15].

Associations of Cardiac Volume with chemical compounds

  • One trophic factor may be cardiac angiotensin II generated via an angiotensin II-forming enzyme resistant to ACEI and possibly activated by cardiac volume overload [16].
  • Verapamil, but not propranolol, increased (p less than .05) cardiac volumes of resting subjects; used in combination, no further increase in LV volume occurred [17].
  • Therefore to explain the effect of nitroglycerin on exercise capacity additional economizing changes in myocardial performance (e.g., reduction of heart volume) are required [18].
  • A high intravenous dose of norepinephrine (4 micrograms/kg/min for 60 minutes) to New Zealand Red rabbits produced patchy subendocardial damage (estimated stereologically in frozen sections) of about 5% of the heart volume 2 days after application [19].
  • To investigate the possible contributions of cardiac volume overload and cardiac sympathetic hyperactivity in the effects of sodium on cardiac mass, we evaluated the effects of treatment with saline (1%) and deoxycorticosterone acetate + saline (DOCA/saline) for 10 days and 3 and 6 weeks on ventricular anatomy and intracardiac pressures [20].

Gene context of Cardiac Volume

  • Plasma and cardiac ET-1 concentrations and ET-1 receptor regulation on both ventricular cell types are not altered in cardiac volume overload, suggesting that cardiac ET-1 may not play a significant role in this model [21].
  • To investigate the regulation of the angiotensin receptor type 1 (AT1) in different organs in cardiac volume overload, we measured AT1 mRNA content in the atria, left and right ventricle, kidney and liver of rats with an aortocaval shunt, produced by infrarenal aortocaval puncture 4 weeks earlier [12].
  • In the IHD group there was a significant positive correlation between heart volume and TH activity [22].
  • Left heart volume characteristics following ventricular septal defect closure in infancy [23].
  • The CT-based three-dimensional treatment-planning system (TMS) represents a valuable tool in identifying such patients; thus, treatment may be conformed to reduce the irradiated heart volume [24].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cardiac Volume


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