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Gene Review

Agtr1b  -  angiotensin II receptor, type 1b

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: AT1, AT1B, AT1R, AT3, Agtr1, ...
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Disease relevance of Agtr1b


Psychiatry related information on Agtr1b


High impact information on Agtr1b

  • In rodents, two AT1 receptor subtypes, AT1A and AT1B, have been isolated [7].
  • Agonist-induced endocytosis and processing of the G protein-coupled AT1 angiotensin II (Ang II) receptor (AT1R) was studied in HEK 293 cells expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP)- or hemagglutinin epitope-tagged forms of the receptor [8].
  • METHODS AND RESULTS: In separate studies, three Ang II receptor antagonists, including AT1 selective (L-158,809), balanced AT1/AT2 (L-163,082), and AT2 selective (L-164,282) agents, were evaluated for their ability to inhibit vascular intimal thickening in a porcine coronary artery model of vascular injury [9].
  • CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that chronic blockade of Ang II receptors by either site-selective or balanced AT1/AT2 antagonists is insufficient to inhibit intimal hyperplasia after experimental coronary vascular injury in the pig [9].
  • The change in PKC epsilon distribution and in TnI phosphorylation in diabetic animals was completely prevented by rendering the animals euglycemic with insulin or by concomitant treatment with a specific angiotensin II type-1 receptor (AT1) antagonist [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Agtr1b


Biological context of Agtr1b


Anatomical context of Agtr1b


Associations of Agtr1b with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of Agtr1b

  • AT1A subtype mRNA was expressed in vascular smooth muscle whereas AT1B mRNA was expressed in adrenal and pituitary [6].
  • In the present study we used the Ang II subtype 1 (AT1) receptor antagonist losartan to investigate whether rising plasma Ang II levels stimulate angiotensinogen production to counteract the falling plasma angiotensinogen levels caused by increasing renin activity in plasma [29].
  • This effect was transduced by angiotensin receptor type-1 (AT1) and was inhibited by a flavoprotein inhibitor (DIP) or p22phox antisense oligonucleotides, indicating the involvement of membrane NAD(P)H oxidase [30].

Other interactions of Agtr1b

  • These findings are consistent with AngII mediated signal transduction through AT1A and AT1B sites for phospholipase C mediated [Ca(2+)]i mobilization and inhibition of adenylyl cyclase [22].
  • Moreover, differences in Agtr1b mRNA abundance and sequence reinforce the putative role of the Agtr1b gene in the differential plasma renin stress reactivity between the two rat strains [31].
  • In conclusion, glucocorticoids diminish Ang II receptor density at the mesangial cell surface through a mechanism that implies successive interaction with the glucocorticoid receptor and specific reduction in AT1B receptor mRNA expression [32].
  • METHODS AND RESULTS: Oral administration of either the endothelin A (ETA) and ETB receptor antagonist bosentan or the angiotensin type 1 (AT1) receptor antagonist valsartan for 12 weeks reduced systolic blood pressure (SBP) of nondiabetic and diabetic Ren-2 rats to normotensive levels [33].
  • These findings indicate that stretch-stimulated DNA synthesis and gene expression in normal bladder SMC occur via multiple independent receptor systems (e.g., AT1 and ErbB2) and at least one MAPK pathway (p38 SAPK2) [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Agtr1b

  • Sequence analysis indicated, however, that the cDNA fragment was a mixture of two highly similar gene products: the first cDNA was identical to the previously cloned AT1 receptor (termed here AT1A) whereas the second cDNA (termed here AT1B) was 92% identical at the nucleotide level and 96% identical at the amino acid level [35].
  • We report that [125I]Sar1-Ang II binding to AT1 receptors and AT1A receptor mRNA expression increase selectively in the dorsomedial arcuate nucleus of 17beta-estradiol-primed ovariectomized rats after treatment with progesterone [28].
  • In the adrenal gland, in which the AT1B receptor is predominant, low salt diet led to a transient increase in the expression of this receptor gene, with a maximum around day 10 of feeding [36].
  • Both reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and Northern blot analysis using specific short probes from the 3' noncoding region of the cDNA demonstrated the presence of AT1A and AT1B receptor mRNAs in rat mesangial cells, with a slight predominance of AT1B [32].
  • Structural assessment of the expressed AT1 receptors by two-dimensional Western blotting revealed that a spectrum of structurally distinct AT1 receptor isoforms is expressed in the renal tissues of both animal models [37].


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