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Gene Review

GJB2  -  gap junction protein, beta 2, 26kDa

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CX26, Connexin-26, Cx26, DFNA3, DFNA3A, ...
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Disease relevance of GJB2

  • Novel mutations in the connexin 26 gene (GJB2) that cause autosomal recessive (DFNB1) hearing loss [1].
  • Our data reveal striking genotype-phenotype correlations and demonstrate that dominant GJB2 mutations can disturb the gap junction system of one or several ectodermal epithelia, thereby producing multiple phenotypes: nonsyndromic SNHL, syndromic SNHL with palmoplantar keratoderma, and KID [2].
  • Cx26 was up-regulated in the carcinoma cells of 15 of the 27 invasive NST carcinomas, although the staining was usually cytoplasmic and heterogeneous [3].
  • Similarly, a lobular carcinoma did not express Cx26 or Cx43, but there was punctate Cx43 in the epithelial cells of a mucoid carcinoma [3].
  • We have now determined the GJB2[connexin 26 (Cx26)] mutation spectrum in 60 index patients from mostly large Turkish families with autosomal-recessive inherited non-syndromic sensorineural hearing loss (NSSHL) [4].
  • Survey of metastatic lesions revealed that lung metastasis, but not liver and lymph nodes metastases, expressed higher Cx26 than the CRC series or corresponding primary CRCs (P < 0.0001 and P = 0.0001, respectively) [5].

Psychiatry related information on GJB2


High impact information on GJB2


Chemical compound and disease context of GJB2


Biological context of GJB2


Anatomical context of GJB2


Associations of GJB2 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of GJB2


Regulatory relationships of GJB2

  • CTGF mRNA and protein levels were found to be down-regulated by both Cx26 and GFP-Cx26 [32].

Other interactions of GJB2

  • Qualitative polymerase chain reaction-based allele-specific expression assays showed that expression of both GJB2 and GJB6 from the novel allele is dramatically reduced [33].
  • trans-dominant inhibition of connexin-43 by mutant connexin-26: implications for dominant connexin disorders affecting epidermal differentiation [34].
  • In addition to the previously described sequence variant M34T in GJB2, two other sequence variants were identified: D66H also in GJB2 and R32W in GJB3 [35].
  • Mutations in the calcium-binding motifs of CDH23 and the 35delG mutation in GJB2 cause hearing loss in one family [36].
  • Hearing impairment was caused in one family by a novel mutation in the recently identified OTOF (the DFNB9 gene), by a novel Pendred syndrome mutation (Thr193Ile) in another family, and by a GJB2 mutation (35delG also known as 30delG) in the third family [37].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of GJB2

  • DNA studies were performed for the GJB2 and GJB6 loci by sequencing and PCR methods [22].
  • OBJECTIVE: To compare performance after cochlear implantation in children with mutations in connexin (Cx) 26 (GJB2) or Cx30 (GJB6) and children with deafness of unknown etiology [38].
  • The high prevalence of mutations in GJB2 in some populations provides the tools for molecular diagnosis, carrier detection, and prenatal diagnosis of congenital hearing impairment [39].
  • In parallel, we have performed a molecular epidemiology study on more than 3000 dried blood spots and established the frequency of the GJB2 variants in our population [40].
  • Prevalence and evolutionary origins of the del(GJB6-D13S1830) mutation in the DFNB1 locus in hearing-impaired subjects: a multicenter study [41].


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