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Verbal Learning

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Disease relevance of Verbal Learning


Psychiatry related information on Verbal Learning


High impact information on Verbal Learning

  • On the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, long-term users recalled significantly fewer words than either shorter-term users (P =.001) or controls (P =.005); there was no difference between shorter-term users and controls [11].
  • OBJECTIVE: To determine if the APOE epsilon4 allele increases susceptibility to lorazepam-induced verbal learning impairment in nondemented older adults [12].
  • During uptake of fludeoxyglucose F 18, all patients performed a serial verbal learning test [13].
  • RESULTS: In the group first treated with nifedipine, the summed recall score on the Buschke selective reminding test (a test of verbal learning and memory) decreased by 9.3 words (95% CI, 2.8 to 15.6 words), or 0%, during nifedipine treatment compared with placebo (P = 0.031) [14].
  • In the anterior two-thirds temporal lobectomy group, age regression of verbal learning became steeper after surgery, and consolidation/retrieval was negatively correlated with older age and later onset of epilepsy even before surgery [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of Verbal Learning

  • Verbal memory performance was assessed with the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test. RESULTS: Mean cortical [(123)I]beta-CIT-labeled 5-HT transporter density was significantly lower in recent MDMA users than in controls (1.17 vs. 1.28 [-9%]) but not in ex-MDMA users (1.24 vs. 1.28 [-3%]) [16].
  • METHODS: Thirty-seven cocaine abusers and 27 control subjects were administered the following memory and mood measures: California Verbal Learning Test, recall of the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test, Pursuit Rotor Task, and Profile of Mood States at 4 visits (within 72 hours of admission and at 10, 21, and 45 days following abstinence) [17].
  • RESULTS: Women and younger participants had higher dopamine availability in the caudate nucleus, and these groups also performed better on verbal learning tasks [18].
  • We used the Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test and the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test to evaluate two aspects of memory function thought to be sensitive to the effects of aging: learning (acquisition) and delayed recall (forgetting) [19].
  • We measured folate, vitamin B-12, and homocysteine concentrations in fasting blood samples and cognitive performance by the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), National Adult Reading Test (NART), Raven's Progressive Matrices (RPM), Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT), digit symbol (DS) subtest, and block design (BD) subtest [20].

Biological context of Verbal Learning


Anatomical context of Verbal Learning

  • RESULTS: Impairment was most frequent on measures sensitive to frontal lobe function (67% on Wisconsin Card Sorting Test number of categories, 30% on letter fluency, 30% on verbal learning) [22].
  • The results confirmed the role of the right hippocampus in visuo-spatial memory tasks (object location, Rey-Osterrieth Figure with and without delay) and the left for verbal memory tasks (Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Task with delay) [23].
  • Confirmatory factor analysis of the california verbal learning test in patients with epilepsy: relationship to clinical and neuropathological markers of temporal lobe epilepsy [24].
  • There were modest (r = 0.35) but significant correlations between corpus striatum degeneration and the delayed recall trial and total score of the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, but no other correlations between neuropsychological and corpus striatal surface area were significant [25].

Gene context of Verbal Learning

  • After the last treatment, nonverbal memory performance was negatively associated with the maximum ACTH level after ECT and verbal learning was negatively correlated to the maximum cortisol level [26].
  • Poorer performances in verbal learning and vigilance and greater ADHD behaviors during a math task also distinguished the ADHD from control teenagers [27].
  • RESULTS: There were no significant associations between sex hormone or SHBG concentrations and performance on a series of cognitive tasks measuring global and executive function, visual and verbal learning and memory [28].
  • Less S-100 protein release was associated with better neuropsychological performance, as indexed by significant correlations with the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning memory test, descending Critical Flicker Fusion thresholds, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression rating scales, typically around r=0 [29].
  • CONCLUSIONS--Young, asymptomatic adults at very high genetic risk for HD are unimpaired in tests of verbal learning and memory and oculomotor functioning [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Verbal Learning


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