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Disease relevance of Neurosciences

  • The kinetic parameters of the model fits were similar to those of GH3 pituitary cells (Horn, R., and C. A. Vandenberg. 1984. Journal of General Physiology. 84:505-534) and N1E115 neuroblastoma cells (Aldrich, R. W., and C. F. Stevens. Journal of Neuroscience. 7:418-431) [1].
  • In ischemia/reperfusion injury, free radicals cause synaptosomal membrane protein and lipid oxidation that is prevented by the free radical scavenger N-tert-butyl-alpha-phenylnitrone (Hall N. C. et al. (1995) Neuroscience 64, 81-89; 69, 591-600) [2].
  • In a recent study [Gordon et al., Neuroscience, 69 (1995) 345-349.] evaluating interaction between the GABAB agonist baclofen and opiates with respect to postoperative analgesia we found that females receiving pentazocine for the treatment of postoperative pain showed better analgesia than did males receiving similar treatment [3].
  • INTERVENTION: Serial dilutions of the serum disclosed hyperprolactinemia of 280,000 ng/ml, establishing the presence of the "high-dose hook effect." Treatment with pergolide (Permax; Athena Neurosciences, S. San Francisco, CA) decreased tumor size and lowered serum prolactin by more than 99% [4].
  • Arnold Pick (1851-1924) provided the first description of the neurodegenerative disease associated with his name; but his importance to the field of neuroscience goes far beyond this eponymous gift [5].

Psychiatry related information on Neurosciences


High impact information on Neurosciences


Chemical compound and disease context of Neurosciences


Biological context of Neurosciences


Anatomical context of Neurosciences


Associations of Neurosciences with chemical compounds

  • In 1996, as an innovation for the UK, the Wellcome Trust set up two 'American style' four-year PhD programmes in neuroscience, with an initial year of broad training followed by a three-year PhD [31].
  • Recent reports have overturned a series of dogmas that have been well entrenched in the neuroscience literature concerning NMDA-type glutamate receptors (NMDARs) [32].
  • Methylated cytosine and the brain: a new base for neuroscience [33].
  • Art and neuroscience: how the brain sees Vermeer's Woman Holding a Balance [34].
  • Sympathetic neurons cultured in defined medium do not develop the ability to produce acetylcholine, as do neurons grown with serum supplementation (lacovitti, L., M. I. Johnson, T. H. Joh, and R. P. Bunge (1982) Neuroscience 7:2225-2239; Wolinsky, E. J., S. C. Landis, and P. H. Patterson (1985) J. Neurosci. 5: 1497-1508) [35].

Gene context of Neurosciences

  • Currently, diagnoses of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and hyperkinetic disorder (HKD) are made on the basis of phenomenology, but information is accumulating from the neurosciences about the biological bases of these disorders [36].
  • TNF and related molecules: trends in neuroscience and clinical applications [37].
  • Stimulated by the fairly recent recognition of receptor subtypes (A and B), and the development of receptor-specific antagonists, CCK research has been advancing rapidly; and its potential importance to psychiatric neuroscience has been increasingly recognized [38].
  • The rhythm was phase delayed by 6-8 h compared with the reported rhythm of Per1 mRNA in the rat SCN [L. Yan et al. Neuroscience 94 (1999) 141] [39].
  • According to presenters at the 1999 Society for Neuroscience meeting, this may result from a novel activity-dependent or NR2B-selective mechanism of action [345079] [40].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Neurosciences


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