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Pectoralis Muscles

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Disease relevance of Pectoralis Muscles

  • Body weight, pectoralis muscle weight, pectoralis protein and DNA concentration, and plasma GH and IGF-I concentrations of broiler chicks (BrBr), bantam chicks (BaBa) and reciprocal crosses between them (BaBr and BrBa) were measured between 0 and 42 days after hatching [1].
  • The peptide map obtained by electrophoresis after digestion of purified myosin heavy chains from pectoralis muscle of embryonic chicken with the Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease, produces a peptide pattern very similar but not identical to that of adult fast myosin [2].

High impact information on Pectoralis Muscles

  • It is specific for an adult fast myosin epitope that is not detected in early developing pectoralis muscle [3].
  • Monoclonal antibodies (McAbs) against the myosin heavy chain (MHC) of adult chicken pectoralis muscle have been tested for reactivity with pectoralis myosin at selected stages of chick development in vivo and in vitro [4].
  • This heterogeneity is mostly with regard to an ambiguity between adenine and guanine residues. tcRNA102 (obtained from pectoralis muscle) runs as a single band on denaturing acrylamide gels [5].
  • Brief exposure of cultured chicken pectoralis muscle cells to ionomycin or A23187 selectively increases the rate of incorporation of [35S]methionine into an 80,000-dalton protein was also observed upon cell-free translation of poly(A)-enriched RNA isolated from ionomycin-treated, as compared with control, cultures [6].
  • They show no cross-reactivity with any other myofibrillar protein of chicken pectoralis muscle, e.g. myosin, M-band proteins, titin or C-protein, nor did they exhibit a significant cross-reactivity with H-protein from rabbit [7].

Biological context of Pectoralis Muscles


Anatomical context of Pectoralis Muscles


Associations of Pectoralis Muscles with chemical compounds

  • The sequence of the NH2-terminal 808 amino acid residues of chicken pectoralis muscle myosin head was determined [18].
  • Two different C-protein variants which selectively react with either monoclonal anti-fast C-protein antibody (MF-1) or monoclonal anti-slow C-protein antibody (ALD-66) were separated from neonatal chicken pectoralis muscle by hydroxylapatite column chromatography [19].
  • Pyridoxal phosphate, the cofactor of the enzyme glycogen phosphorylase, was used as a specific label to measure the rate of degradation of the enzyme in the pectoralis muscle of growing broiler and layer chickens in vivo [20].
  • Supplementing with either methionine source resulted in significantly greater growth rate, efficiency of feed conversion, and accretion and synthesis of protein in the gastrocnemius and pectoralis muscles [21].
  • The ontogenesis of the nuclear triiodothyronine receptors was determined in the pectoralis muscle of male and female chicken at 18 days in ovo and 0, 3, 6, 14 and 35 days ex ovo [22].

Gene context of Pectoralis Muscles


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Pectoralis Muscles


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