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Chemical Compound Review

o-Quinone     cyclohexa-2,4-diene-1,6-dione

Synonyms: o-Benzoquinone, CPD-385, SureCN113494, AG-G-06448, CHEBI:17253, ...
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Disease relevance of C02351

  • These results confirm that addition occurs in oxidizing polyhydroxy aromatic systems, probably via o-quinone, in a reaction considered to account for much of the toxicity found for catechols and catecholamines [1].
  • The implications of the o-quinone/QM pathway to the in vivo effects of catechol estrogens are not known; however, given the direct link between excessive exposure to endogenous estrogens and the enhanced risk of breast cancer, the potential for formation of additional reactive intermediates needs to be explored [2].
  • Formation of ortho-benzoquinone from sodium benzoate by Pseudomonas mendocina P2d [3].

High impact information on C02351

  • The coexistence of N-acetylcysteine in the in vitro oxidation of 3,4-AH-BAL by GriF resulted in the formation of grixazone A, suggesting that the -SH group of N-acetylcysteine is conjugated to the o-quinone imine formed from 3,4-AHBAL and that the conjugate is presumably coupled with another molecule of the o-quinone imine [4].
  • Oxidation of the trans-1,2-dihydrodiol of naphthalene or the 7,8-dihydrodiol of benzo[a]pyrene by the homogeneous rat liver dehydrogenase in 50 mM glycine at pH 9.0 led to the formation of multiple products by TLC, none of which co-migrated with the corresponding o-quinone standards [5].
  • This study represents the first chemical demonstration of a true o-quinone hydration, which occurs in cofactor biogenesis in copper amine oxidases [6].
  • The reaction is believed to proceed via a mechanism involving water-mediated formal excited state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT) from the phenolic OH to the 10-position of the anthracene ring, generating an o-quinone methide intermediate that is observable by nanosecond laser flash photolysis, and is trappable with nucleophiles [7].
  • In association with browning, leaf proteins remain undegraded during ensiling, presumably due to PPO-generated o-quinone inhibition of leaf proteases [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of C02351

  • These results substantiate the conclusion that the involvement of quinoids in catechol estrogen toxicity depends on a combination of the rate of formation of the o-quinone, the lifetime of the o-quinone, and the electrophilic/redox reactivity of the quinoids [9].

Biological context of C02351

  • The results are indicative of the intracellular metabolic activation of quercetin to o-quinone, the process which can be partially associated with the observed concentration-dependent cytotoxic effect of quercetin [10].
  • We have found that stypoldione, a bright red o-quinone isolated from the brown alga Stypopodium zonale, inhibits the division of sea urchin embryos in a concentration-dependent manner (IC50 approximately 2.5 X 10(-6) M) [11].
  • Stypoldione, a marine natural product that possesses an o-quinone functional group, has been shown to inhibit a variety of biological processes including cell division [12].
  • This difference originates from the regiospecific hydroxylation (ortho position) and subsequent oxidation of the intermediate o-aminophenol to the corresponding o-quinone imine [13].
  • These results suggest that the reactions of benzofuroxan with both actinidin and papain involve rate-determining attack of the catalytic-site thiol group to produce an intermediate adduct that then reacts rapidly with water to form enzyme sulphenic acid and o-benzoquinone dioxime [14].

Anatomical context of C02351

  • Using a well-defined model system, junctional SR vesicles from skeletal muscle, we show that a single o-quinone metabolite of B[a]P, B[a]P-7,8-dione, can account for altered Ca(2+) transport across microsomal membranes [15].
  • These results suggest that in melanocytes these phenols are oxidised by tyrosinase to the corresponding o-quinone forms, some of which conjugate with sulphydryl enzymes through cysteine residues, thus exerting cytotoxic effects [16].
  • Like endogenous estrogens, 8,9-dehydroestrone was primarily converted by rat liver microsomes to the 2-hydroxylated rather than the 4-hydroxylated o-quinone GSH conjugates; the ratio of 2-hydroxy-8,9-dehydroestrone versus 4-hydroxy-8,9-dehydroestrone was 6:1 [17].
  • Several new prenylnaphthohydroquinone derivatives have been prepared through the Diels-Alder condensation between alpha-myrcene and 1,2-benzoquinone and evaluated for their cytotoxic activity against A-549, HT-29 and MB-231 cultured cell lines [18].
  • The inhibition of alpha-KGDH is dependent on the oxidation of DHBT-1, catalyzed by an unknown constituent of the inner mitochondrial membrane, to an electrophilic o-quinone imine that covalently modifies active site sulfhydryl residues [19].

Associations of C02351 with other chemical compounds

  • The o-quinone derived from CAF was rather unstable and decomposed during its isolation [20].
  • Phenol is oxidized in the sensor membrane by the oxygen-consuming tyrosinase via catechol to o-quinone [21].
  • Monophenolase activity of PPO catalyses the oxidation of phenol to o-quinone (step C). o-Quinone can then enter an amplification recycling process involving electrochemical reduction (step E) and enzymatic reoxidation (step C': catecholase activity) [22].
  • Pulse-radiolysis experiments, in which the o-quinone is formed by disproportionation of semiquinone radicals generated by single-electron oxidation of DBC, showed that the quinomethane (A480 6440 is formed through the intermediacy of the o-quinone with a rate constant at neutral pH of 7.5 s-1 [23].
  • Strand scission was extensive, dependent on the concentration of o-quinone (0-10 microM), and required the presence of NADPH (1 mM) and CuCl2 (10 microM) [24].

Gene context of C02351

  • The Michaelis constant of tyrosinase for oxygen in the presence of monophenols and o-diphenols, which generate a cyclizable o-quinone, has been studied [25].
  • Only one QM was observed from the o-quinone of 4-hydroxyestrone, 4-OHE-QM2 (4-hydroxy-1(2),4(5),9(10)- oestratrien-3,17-dione) which is analogous to the C ring analog (2-OHE-QM2) from the o-quinone of 2-hydroxyestrone [26].
  • Benzofuroxan reacts with the catalytic-site thiol group of cathepsin B (EC to produce stoichiometric amount of the chromophoric reduction product, o-benzoquinone dioxime [27].
  • In this mechanism, the electron donor (NADPH) and acceptor (o-quinone) are bound in close proximity, which permits hydride transfer without formal protonation of the acceptor carbonyl by Tyr 55 [28].
  • Although 3,4-EQ was not an apparent substrate for the two-electron reduction catalyzed by DT D, this o-quinone was a substrate for the one-electron reduction catalyzed by cytochrome P450 reductase [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of C02351

  • Synthesis and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometric characterization of the adducts of bisphenol A o-quinone with glutathione and nucleotide monophosphates [30].
  • Using HPLC and mass spectrometry, one of the metabolites was shown to be the reactive o-quinone derivative of the parent drug which resulted from the peroxidative O-demethylation [31].
  • Phenol generated by the action of ALP is monitored at the tyrosinase composite electrode through the electrochemical reduction of the o-quinone produced to catechol, which produces a cycle between the tyrosinase substrate and the electroactive product, giving rise to the amplification of the biosensor response and to the sensitive detection of ALP [32].
  • The reaction product was identified by cochromatography, fluorimetry and mass spectroscopy as BA-3,4-catechol, but interconversions between the catechol and the corresponding o-quinone during the analytical procedures were detected [33].
  • The o-quinone was isolated from incubates and identified by its FTIR spectrum, in particular, by the appearance of a new band at 1652 cm-1, its migration in HPLC systems, its ultraviolet spectrum, its derivatization with phenylenediamine and comparison of these properties with the periodate oxidation product of the same substrate [34].


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