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Chemical Compound Review

quercetin     2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)- 3,5,7-trihydroxy...

Synonyms: Quertine, Kvercetin, Meletin, Quercetol, Quercitin, ...
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Disease relevance of quercetin

  • Using published food-composition data for flavonoids, we found an inverse association between intake of quercetin and risk of lung cancer (P for trend =.07) that appears consistent with associations for its food sources [1].
  • We previously reported that quercetin and some other flavonoids inhibited the induction of HSPs in HeLa and COLO 320DM cells, derived from a human colon cancer, at the level of mRNA accumulation [2].
  • In the HuH7 human hepatoma cell line, PON-1 activity and mRNA levels were increased by dietary polyphenolic compounds such as quercetin but also by toxic ligands of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) such as 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC) [3].
  • We show here that quercetin inhibits the clonogenic activity of 20 of 22 acute leukemias (AL; 4 M1-AML, 3 M2-AML, 2 M3-AML, 3 M4-AML, 3 M5-AML, and 7 ALL) [4].
  • Dietary quercetin did not elicit any detectable sign of toxicity [5].
  • Taken together, the results of the present study suggest that quercetin sensitizes glioma cells to death-receptor-mediated apoptosis by suppression of inhibitor of the apoptosis protein survivin [6].

Psychiatry related information on quercetin

  • Quercetin-fed mice showed higher activity upon induction by new environmental stimuli, lower anxiety and higher novelty-seeking behavior in the open field tasks, and significantly improved learning and memory ability in step-through and Morris water Maze tests compared with D-gal-treated mice [7].
  • Because quercetin, a natural flavonoid, is known to scavenge free radicals, we investigated whether quercetin attenuates white matter damage in rats with chronic cerebral hypoperfusion, as a model of vascular dementia [8].
  • Peristaltic motor activity suppressed by quercetin (300 micromol/l), but not genistein (100 micromol/l), was partially restored by apamin [9].
  • An i.m. administration of various doses of quercetin admixed with 1.0 mg of MCA, however, significantly shortened the mean latency periods for the development of local primary tumors compared with those of the group which had been given MCA alone [10].
  • Although several recent studies found that both SJ and Ginkgo biloba have the same components of quercetin and rutin, only Ginkgo biloba has been widely used to treat cerebrovascular disorders and dementia in humans [11].

High impact information on quercetin

  • The X-ray crystallographic structures of PI3Kgamma bound to these lipid kinase inhibitors and to the broad-spectrum protein kinase inhibitors quercetin, myricetin, and staurosporine reveal how these compounds fit into the ATP binding pocket [12].
  • The partial inhibition of Na+-, K+- ATPase activity by quercetin observed in tumor cells was confirmed in thymocyte plasma membranes [13].
  • Inhibition of PtdIns(4,5)P2 synthesis by quercetin or phenylarsine oxide prevented the relocalization of the fluorescent probe to the membranes after Ca2+ chelation in ionomycin-treated cells or during agonist stimulation [14].
  • The x-ray structures of Aspergillus japonicus 2,3QD anaerobically complexed with the substrate kaempferol and the natural substrate quercetin have been determined at 1.90- and 1.75-A resolution, respectively [15].
  • Addition of quercetin (0.1 mM) and trans-flupenthixol (0.2 mM), inhibitors of nuclear protein kinase II and calmodulin-dependent kinase, respectively, inhibited the synthesis of vitellogenin mRNA by about 55% without affecting total RNA synthesis [16].

Chemical compound and disease context of quercetin


Biological context of quercetin


Anatomical context of quercetin


Associations of quercetin with other chemical compounds


Gene context of quercetin


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of quercetin


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