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Chemical Compound Review

Neptunium-236     neptunium

Synonyms: AC1L4ZRT, 236Np, 15700-36-4, Neptunium, isotope of mass 236
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Disease relevance of neptunium

  • The swarmer cycle of Hyphomicrobium neptunium consists of a temporal sequence of discrete developmental events [1].
  • Comparative Genomic Evidence for a Close Relationship between the Dimorphic Prosthecate Bacteria Hyphomonas neptunium and Caulobacter crescentus [2].
  • CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that the toxicity of neptunium and uranium was concomitant with the presence of insoluble forms in the culture medium [3].

High impact information on neptunium

  • Here we describe the genome sequence of Hyphomonas neptunium, a marine member of the DPB that differs from C. crescentus in that H. neptunium uses its stalk as a reproductive structure [2].
  • H. neptunium swarmer cells are highly motile via a single polar flagellum [2].
  • In addition to providing insights into bacterial development, the H. neptunium genome will provide an important resource for the study of other interesting biological processes including chromosome segregation, polar growth, and cell aging [2].
  • Timing of swarmer cell cycle morphogenesis and macromolecular synthesis by Hyphomicrobium neptunium in synchronous culture [1].
  • RESULTS: In the range of lung doses studied (0.05 to more than 50 Gy), the general trend was an increased frequency of all types of tumours after inhalation exposure to neptunium compared with plutonium [4].

Chemical compound and disease context of neptunium


Biological context of neptunium

  • This study demonstrated the probable induction of apoptosis by neptunium both in liver and kidneys [6].
  • Exons 5 to 8 of the gene were amplified in 16 plutonium-, 23 neptunium- and 15 radon-induced lung tumors, and their polymerase chain reaction products were examined for mutations by single strand conformational polymorphism analysis and direct sequencing method [7].
  • The tumor suppressor gene Tp53 was analyzed by polymerase chain reaction-amplification of genomic DNA extracted from paraffin-embedded tissue sections of rat lung tumors to compare mutations that occurred after inhalation exposures to plutonium dioxide, neptunium dioxide, or radon and radon progenies [7].
  • Application of 235Np in experimental aquatic radioecology: preliminary observations on neptunium behaviour in sea water, sediments and zooplankton [8].

Anatomical context of neptunium

  • The present investigation was aimed at establishing the distribution of neptunium in blood and liver cells as a function of the mass and chemical form of the radionuclide injected [9].
  • The intracellular distribution of neptunium in liver depends on the mass of the radionuclide injected; the relative specific activity for 237Np compared to 239Np was 2 in nuclei and 0.5-0.9 in cytosol [9].
  • Effects of fasting and/or oxidizing and reducing agents on absorption of neptunium from the gastrointestinal tract of mice and adult or neonatal rats [10].
  • Purification of the nuclei followed by dissociation of the protein components in medium of increasing ionic strength showed a specific binding of neptunium to the structural proteins of the nuclear matrix [11].
  • This study demonstrates the toxic effects of neptunium and its implication in the induction of apoptosis in bone marrow [12].

Associations of neptunium with other chemical compounds


Gene context of neptunium

  • The binding capacity of transferrin for neptunium in vivo was found to decline when the iron level in blood serum was increased [16].
  • Neptunium uptake by serum transferrin [17].
  • 0. The observed speciation patterns of uranium and neptunium did not change over the concentration range 5 x 10(-15) - 5 x 10(-5) mol dm(-3) and no solid species were predicted to occur under the conditions simulated [18].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of neptunium

  • A model is presented to illustrate how nucleation and crystallization processes could enhance the removal of plutonium and neptunium from dilute solutions [19].
  • Capillary electrophoresis (CE) was coupled to ICPMS in order to combine the good performance of this separation technique with the high sensitivity of the ICPMS for the analysis of plutonium and neptunium oxidation states [20].
  • Two methods, electron microscopy and wavelength dispersive electron probe microanalysis, were used to determine the intracellular sites and chemical form of concentrations of neptunium nitrate 237 after chronic intoxication by the intraperitoneal route in two organs in the rat known to concentrate this element (kidney, liver) [21].
  • Revision and meta-analysis of selected biosphere parameter values for chlorine, iodine, neptunium, radium, radon and uranium [22].


  1. Timing of swarmer cell cycle morphogenesis and macromolecular synthesis by Hyphomicrobium neptunium in synchronous culture. Wali, T.M., Hudson, G.R., Danald, D.A., Weiner, R.M. J. Bacteriol. (1980) [Pubmed]
  2. Comparative Genomic Evidence for a Close Relationship between the Dimorphic Prosthecate Bacteria Hyphomonas neptunium and Caulobacter crescentus. Badger, J.H., Hoover, T.R., Brun, Y.V., Weiner, R.M., Laub, M.T., Alexandre, G., Mrázek, J., Ren, Q., Paulsen, I.T., Nelson, K.E., Khouri, H.M., Radune, D., Sosa, J., Dodson, R.J., Sullivan, S.A., Rosovitz, M.J., Madupu, R., Brinkac, L.M., Durkin, A.S., Daugherty, S.C., Kothari, S.P., Giglio, M.G., Zhou, L., Haft, D.H., Selengut, J.D., Davidsen, T.M., Yang, Q., Zafar, N., Ward, N.L. J. Bacteriol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  3. Chemical toxicity of some actinides and lanthanides towards alveolar macrophages: an in vitro study. Lizon, C., Fritsch, P. Int. J. Radiat. Biol. (1999) [Pubmed]
  4. Evaluation of risk factors for lung tumour induction in rats exposed to either NpO(2) or PuO(2) aerosols. Dudoignon, N., Guillet, K., Fritsch, P. Int. J. Radiat. Biol. (2003) [Pubmed]
  5. Photomicrography of nalidixic acid treated Hyphomicrobium neptunium: inhibition of bud formation and bud separation. Blackman, M.A., Weiner, R.M. Can. J. Microbiol. (1975) [Pubmed]
  6. Ultrastructural lesions induced by neptunium-237: apoptosis or necrosis? Pusset, D., Fromm, M., Poncy, J.L., Kantelip, B., Galle, P., Chambaudet, A., Baud, M., Boulahdour, H. Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. (2002) [Pubmed]
  7. Comparative study on Tp53 gene mutations in lung tumors from rats exposed to 239Pu, 237Np and 222Rn. Yamada, Y., Oghiso, Y., Morlier, J.P., Guillet, K., Fritsch, P., Dudoignon, N., Monchaux, G. J. Radiat. Res. (2004) [Pubmed]
  8. Application of 235Np in experimental aquatic radioecology: preliminary observations on neptunium behaviour in sea water, sediments and zooplankton. Fowler, S.W., Aston, S.R. Health physics. (1982) [Pubmed]
  9. The effect of the mass and initial chemical form of neptunium on its molecular associations in blood and liver. Paquet, F., Ramounet, B., Métivier, H., Taylor, D.M. Radiat. Res. (1996) [Pubmed]
  10. Effects of fasting and/or oxidizing and reducing agents on absorption of neptunium from the gastrointestinal tract of mice and adult or neonatal rats. Sullivan, M.F., Ruemmler, P.S., Ryan, J.L. Radiat. Res. (1984) [Pubmed]
  11. Subcellular and intranuclear localization of neptunium-237 (V) in rat liver. Paquet, F., Verry, M., Grillon, G., Landesman, C., Masse, R., Taylor, D.M. Radiat. Res. (1995) [Pubmed]
  12. Ultrastructural apoptotic lesions induced in bone marrow after neptunium-237 contamination. Pusset, D., Boulahdour, H., Fromm, M., Poncy, J.L., Kantelip, B., Griffond, B., Baud, M., Galle, P. Anticancer Res. (2003) [Pubmed]
  13. Effect of external irradiation on the gastrointestinal absorption of uranium and neptunium in rats. Houpert, P., Paquet, F., Dublineau-Naud, I. Int. J. Radiat. Biol. (2001) [Pubmed]
  14. Gastrointestinal absorption of neptunium in primates: effect of ingested mass, diet, and fasting. Metivier, H., Bourges, J., Fritsch, P., Nolibe, D., Masse, R. Radiat. Res. (1986) [Pubmed]
  15. X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies of reactions of technetium, uranium and neptunium with mackinawite. Livens, F.R., Jones, M.J., Hynes, A.J., Charnock, J.M., Mosselmans, J.F., Hennig, C., Steele, H., Collison, D., Vaughan, D.J., Pattrick, R.A., Reed, W.A., Moyes, L.N. Journal of environmental radioactivity. (2004) [Pubmed]
  16. Identification of transferrin as the principal neptunium-binding protein in the blood serum of rats. Wirth, R., Taylor, D.M., Duffield, J. International journal of nuclear medicine and biology. (1985) [Pubmed]
  17. Neptunium uptake by serum transferrin. Llorens, I., Den Auwer, C., Moisy, P., Ansoborlo, E., Vidaud, C., Funke, H. FEBS J. (2005) [Pubmed]
  18. Computer modelling of the chemical speciation of caesium, uranium(VI) and neptunium(V) in human duodenal fluids under fasting conditions. Jones, P.W., Taylor, D.M., Webb, L.M., Williams, D.R. Applied radiation and isotopes : including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine. (2002) [Pubmed]
  19. Enzymically accelerated biomineralization of heavy metals: application to the removal of americium and plutonium from aqueous flows. Macaskie, L.E., Jeong, B.C., Tolley, M.R. FEMS Microbiol. Rev. (1994) [Pubmed]
  20. Separation of plutonium and neptunium species by capillary electrophoresis-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry and application to natural groundwater samples. Kuczewski, B., Marquardt, C.M., Seibert, A., Geckeis, H., Kratz, J.V., Trautmann, N. Anal. Chem. (2003) [Pubmed]
  21. Intranuclear sites of Np 237 in mammalian cells: a study using electron microscopy and electron probe microanalysis. Boulahdour, H., Poncy, J.L., Berry, J.P., Galle, P. Int. J. Radiat. Biol. (1995) [Pubmed]
  22. Revision and meta-analysis of selected biosphere parameter values for chlorine, iodine, neptunium, radium, radon and uranium. Sheppard, S.C., Sheppard, M.I., Tait, J.C., Sanipelli, B.L. Journal of environmental radioactivity. (2006) [Pubmed]
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