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Gene Review

Tf  -  transferrin

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: Beta-1 metal-binding globulin, Liver regeneration-related protein LRRG03, Serotransferrin, Siderophilin, Tfn, ...
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Disease relevance of Tf


Psychiatry related information on Tf


High impact information on Tf

  • The resialylated Tf accumulated in the extracellular medium with kinetics very similar to the time course for appearance of Tf in cholinesterase-containing, exocytic CVs, suggesting that these CVs are directly involved in the transfer of material from the trans Golgi to the cell surface [11].
  • We used a cholinesterase-mediated density shift protocol to investigate the movement of internalized transferrin (Tf) through endo- and exocytic coated vesicles (CVs) in the perfused rat liver [11].
  • In serum-free medium (1:1 mixture of DMEM:F-12) supplemented with insulin, hydrocortisone, transferrin and fibronectin (4F medium), the cells remained healthy and steroidogenically responsive for at least 60 days in culture [12].
  • In this study, the growth of rat follicular (RF-1) cells was severely depressed when the cells were subcultured by trypsinization directly into serum-free medium supplemented with insulin, transferrin and hydrocortisone, which are required for growth of these cells in vitro [13].
  • Iron unloading depends on the cycling of 24p3/Ngal through acidic endosomes, but its pH sensitivity and its subcellular targeting differed from transferrin [14].

Chemical compound and disease context of Tf


Biological context of Tf

  • Measurements of circulating transferrin (Tf) receptor are useful in assessing erythropoiesis; however, steps involved in the generation of soluble Tf receptor from cellular receptor are incompletely understood [20].
  • Current work showed up-regulation of Tf messenger RNA (mRNA) production in preneoplastic nodules, 12 to 37 weeks after initiation, and down-regulation in atypical nodules (at 45 and 50 weeks) and HCCs, induced in rats by the "resistant hepatocyte" model [3].
  • These findings suggested that Tf-Fe transport across the membrane of astrocytes is mediated by Tf-TfR endocytosis [21].
  • A single class of 125I-diferric Tf binding sites with an affinity constant of 1.65 x 10(7) l x l-1) and a capacity of 6.86 x 10(6) sites/cell was found [22].
  • This capacity may be associated with increased iron-Tf uptake from plasma, stabilization of TfR mRNA, or increased Tf mRNA translation efficiency in specific cell types within the brain [23].

Anatomical context of Tf


Associations of Tf with chemical compounds

  • OX26, the Fab fragment of OX26 (50K mol. wt.), and Tf complexed to two ferric ions were conjugated to HRP irreversibly in a 1:1 molar ratio [27].
  • The glucose-lowering effect of orally administered In-Tf in STZ-induced diabetic rats was improved by either T-8 or BFA [1].
  • PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of tyrphostin 8 (T-8), a GTPase inhibitor, on transferrin receptor (TfR)-mediated transcytosis of insulin-transferrin (In-Tf) conjugate in cultured enterocyte-like Caco-2 cells and on gastrointestinal (GI) absorption of In-Tf in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats [1].
  • The GI absorption of In-Tf was evaluated by its hypoglycemic effect after oral administration in STZ-induced diabetic rats [1].
  • Preincubation of hepatocytes with the low-M(r) Fe complex ferric ammonium citrate (FAC; 25 microg/mL; (Fe) = 4.4 microg/mL) followed by incubation with 59Fe-Tf or 59Fe-citrate ((Fe) = 0.25 to 25 micromol/L) resulted in the marked stimulation of 59Fe uptake [5].

Physical interactions of Tf


Co-localisations of Tf


Regulatory relationships of Tf


Other interactions of Tf

  • The cultured rat astrocytes were incubated with 1 microM of double-labelled transferrin (125I-Tf-59Fe) in serum- free DMEM F12 medium or 59Fe II in isotonic sucrose solution at 37 degrees C or 4 degrees C for varying times [21].
  • The aim of this study was to determine whether the gene for Tf was activated in specific lung cells during development, and whether the protein product showed evidence of association with extracellular matrix [41].
  • Our results indicate that this conjugate binds to Tf receptors on the luminal BBB, is internalized via clathrin-coated vesicles, enters early or sorting endosomes, and, subsequently, late or recycling endosomes near the Golgi apparatus [42].
  • Based on preliminary immunofluorescence observations, we had suggested that synaptophysin is targeted to the preexisting population of microvesicles that recycle transferrin (Johnston, P. A., P. L. Cameron, H. Stukenbrok, R. Jahn, P. De Camilli, and T. C. Südhof. 1989. EMBO (Eur. Mol. Biol. Organ.) J. 8:2863-2872) [43].
  • This redistribution of transferrin receptors between cellular membrane fractions in response to insulin is remarkably similar to the regulation by insulin of glucose transporters and type II insulin-like growth factor receptors [44].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Tf


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