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Chemical Compound Review

roxarsone     (4-hydroxy-3-nitro- phenyl)arsonic acid

Synonyms: Roxarson, Ristat, Roxarsonum, Ren-O-sal, Aklomix-3, ...
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Disease relevance of roxarsone


High impact information on roxarsone


Chemical compound and disease context of roxarsone


Biological context of roxarsone


Anatomical context of roxarsone

  • S9 from small intestine increased the mutagenic effect of the 3-nitro and 3-N-hydroxylated compounds, but it was unable to activate the amino compounds [18].
  • Post-edge XANES features of litter particles are dissimilar to those of the organo-As(V) compound in poultry feed (i.e., roxarsone), suggesting possible degradation/transformation of roxarsone in the litter and/or in poultry digestive tracts [19].
  • Birds medicated with roxarsone and in another experiment with zoalene in the feed produced higher oocysts counts than unmedicated control birds receiving the same oocyst dose of Eimeria tenella or a mixture of six species (E. tenella, E. necatrix, E. brunetti, E. maxima, E. acervulina, and E. mitvati) [20].
  • Effect of 3-nitro-10 on egg yolk pigmentation [21].
  • Light and electron microscopic lesions in peripheral nerves of broiler chickens due to roxarsone and lasalocid toxicoses [22].

Associations of roxarsone with other chemical compounds

  • The aromatic organoarsenic compounds 4-hydroxy 3-nitrobenzenearsenic acid (Roxarsone, ROX) or 4-aminoben-zenearsenic acid (p-arsanilic acid, p-ASA) are used as feed additives in the poultry industry for disease control and enhanced feed efficiency [23].
  • Compatibility and anticoccidial activity of lasalocid in combination with roxarsone and antibiotics against Eimeria mixed infection in chicks [24].
  • Effects of roxarsone and monensin on digital flexoral tendons of broiler chickens [25].
  • Laboratory experiments have shown that arsenite can be cleaved photolytically from the roxarsone moiety at pH 4-8 and that the degradation rate increases with increasing pH [26].
  • It is concluded that roxarsone and bacitracin methylene disalicylate do not interfere with the acquisition of immunity to Eimeria species in broilers [12].
  • Increased endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) activity was observed for roxarsone but not for As(III)-induced angiogenesis [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of roxarsone


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