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Gene Review

Cd79b  -  CD79B antigen

Mus musculus

Synonyms: B-cell antigen receptor complex-associated protein beta chain, B-cell-specific glycoprotein B29, B29, Ig-beta, Igb, ...
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Disease relevance of Cd79b

  • To explore the role of ITAM in signaling for B cell death (apoptosis), we transfected CH31 cells, an immature B lymphoma cell line, with expression vectors encoding for the CD8 extracellular/transmembrane domains and the cytoplasmic signal-transducing domain (ITAM) of Ig alpha or Ig beta, respectively [1].
  • Five acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)-MLs and ten SCID-EBV-positive BMLs were first analysed by immunohistochemistry for the expression of Mb-1, B29 and Lyn [2].
  • In SCID-EBV-positive BMLs, Mb-1 was down regulated in six of ten, B29 in nine of ten and Lyn in six of ten, whereas no down-regulation was noted in eight EBV-free B MLs that were also maintained in SCID mice [2].
  • To dissect the mechanisms by which each tail contributes to development in vivo, Igbeta(-/-) mice were reconstituted with retroviruses encoding either wild-type Igbeta, an Igbeta molecule lacking a cytoplasmic tail (Igbeta(deltaC)) or one in which the cytoplasmic tail was derived from Igalpha (Igbeta(Calpha)) [3].
  • Iga, received spleen cells from a congenic strain bearing another allotype, Igb, and weekly injections with Iga-coated pertussis [4].

High impact information on Cd79b

  • Hence, B-lineage commitment is determined neither by immunoglobulin DJ rearrangement nor by the expression of E2A, EBF, lambda5, VpreB, Igalpha and Igbeta [5].
  • This inhibition is directly coupled to signalling mediated through Ig-alpha and Ig-beta as evidenced by chimaeric IgM/alpha and IgM/beta molecules [6].
  • We now show that the IgM molecule is non-covalently associated in the membrane of B cells with two proteins of relative molecular mass 34,000 (Mr 34 K; IgM-alpha) and 39 K (Ig-beta) which form a disulphide-linked heterodimer [7].
  • The cytoplasmic domain of Ig beta is sufficient to induce these early antigen-independent events by a mechanism that requires conserved tyrosine residues in this protein [8].
  • In contrast, Ig beta targets antigen towards a minor population of recycling MHC class II molecules, located in transferrin receptor-containing endosomes [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Cd79b


Biological context of Cd79b


Anatomical context of Cd79b

  • Thus, the cross-linking of Ig beta on proB cells appears to elicit differentiation signals analogous to those delivered by the preB cell receptor in normal B cell development [15].
  • Cross-lineage expression of Ig-beta (B29) in thymocytes: positive and negative gene regulation to establish T cell identity [16].
  • Furthermore, ectopic expression of EBF in HeLa cells activated a B29 promoter-controlled reporter construct 13-fold and induced a low level of expression from the endogenous B29 gene [12].
  • Affinity-purified anti-MB-1 antibody coprecipitated mu chain/20-kDa/15-kDa proteins together with monomer MB-1 and Ig-alpha/Ig-beta heterodimer components from digitonin lysates of the pre-B cell line 18.81 [17].
  • Ligand-induced BCR association with detergent-resistant plasma membrane compartments (lipid rafts) has been argued to be essential for initiating and/or sustaining Igalpha/Igbeta-dependent BCR signaling [18].

Associations of Cd79b with chemical compounds

  • One mutant mu chain, in which two polar transmembrane residues (Tyr587, Ser588) are replaced with valine, fails to associate with Ig alpha and Ig beta and is incapable of transducing signals as a result of mIg cross-linking [19].
  • To examine the function of Igbeta ITAM tyrosine resides in mature B cells in vivo, we exchanged these residues for alanine by gene targeting (Igbeta(AA)) [20].
  • Ig beta Delta C mice differ from Ig alpha Delta C mice in that they show little impairment in early B cell development and they produce immature B cells that respond normally to BCR cross-linking as determined by Ca(2+) flux [14].
  • We found that extraction with Triton X-100 revealed an additional pair of 52- to 58-kDa heterodimers, where B29 was disulfide-bonded to a protein of approximately 23 kDa [21].
  • We show that in the presence of the reducing agent beta-mercaptoethanol the m mu, m delta, and m gamma heavy chains remain selectively associated with the B29 members [22].

Physical interactions of Cd79b


Enzymatic interactions of Cd79b

  • Lck phosphorylated both of the tyrosines in the Ig-beta AgR homology motif and one of the two tyrosines in the Ig-alpha AgR homology motif [23].

Regulatory relationships of Cd79b


Other interactions of Cd79b

  • The Ig alpha/Igbeta heterodimer on mu-negative proB cells is competent for transducing signals to induce early B cell differentiation [15].
  • These data suggest that the B29 gene is a genetic target for EBF in early B-cell development [12].
  • The ability to interact directly with E47 was shared by the promoters controlling the human mb-1 and B29 genes [27].
  • To understand the function of B cell antigen receptor (BCR)-related complex on pre-B cells (pre-BCR, Vpre-B/lambda 5/mu heavy chain/Ig-alpha/Ig-beta), we examined pre-BCR- and BCR-mediated signaling events in human and mouse pre-B (Nalm-6, 697, NFS-5), immature B (IgM+ Daudi, WEHI-231) and mature B (IgM+ IgD+ BALL1) cell lines [28].
  • In these mice, Cre-mediated recombination at the fas, Igbeta, IgH, and Rosa26 loci occurred in GC B cells as early as 4 days after immunization with T cell-dependent antigens and involved >85% of GC B cells at the peak of the GC reaction [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cd79b


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