Gene Review:
nahH - catechol 2,3-dioxygenase
Pseudomonas putida ND6
- Cloning and sequencing of the catechol 2,3-dioxygenase gene of Alcaligenes sp. KF711. Moon, J., Chang, H., Min, K.R., Kim, Y. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1995)
- The role of the conserved residues His-246, His-199, and Tyr-255 in the catalysis of catechol 2,3-dioxygenase from Pseudomonas stutzeri OX1. Viggiani, A., Siani, L., Notomista, E., Birolo, L., Pucci, P., Di Donato, A. J. Biol. Chem. (2004)
- The catechol 2,3-dioxygenase gene of Rhodococcus rhodochrous CTM: nucleotide sequence, comparison with isofunctional dioxygenases and evidence for an active-site histidine. Candidus, S., van Pée, K.H., Lingens, F. Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) (1994)
- Characterization of the gene encoding catechol 2,3-dioxygenase from Achromobacter xylosoxidans KF701. Moon, J., Kang, E., Min, K.R., Kim, C.K., Min, K.H., Lee, K.S., Kim, Y. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1997)
- Redesigning metabolic routes: manipulation of TOL plasmid pathway for catabolism of alkylbenzoates. Ramos, J.L., Wasserfallen, A., Rose, K., Timmis, K.N. Science (1987)
- Study of Vitreoscilla globin (vgb) gene expression and promoter activity in E. coli through transcriptional fusion. Dikshit, K.L., Dikshit, R.P., Webster, D.A. Nucleic Acids Res. (1990)
- Molecular characterization of an inducible gentisate 1,2-dioxygenase gene, xlnE, from Pseudomonas alcaligenes NCIMB 9867. Yeo, C.C., Wong, M.V., Feng, Y., Song, K.P., Poh, C.L. Gene (2003)
- Organization and regulation of meta cleavage pathway genes for toluene and o-xylene derivative degradation in Pseudomonas stutzeri OX1. Arenghi, F.L., Berlanda, D., Galli, E., Sello, G., Barbieri, P. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. (2001)
- TOM, a new aromatic degradative plasmid from Burkholderia (Pseudomonas) cepacia G4. Shields, M.S., Reagin, M.J., Gerger, R.R., Campbell, R., Somerville, C. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. (1995)
- Nucleotide sequence and expression of the catechol 2,3-dioxygenase-encoding gene of phenol-catabolizing Pseudomonas CF600. Bartilson, M., Shingler, V. Gene (1989)
- The lower pathway operon for benzoate catabolism in biphenyl-utilizing Pseudomonas sp. strain IC and the nucleotide sequence of the bphE gene for catechol 2,3-dioxygenase. Carrington, B., Lowe, A., Shaw, L.E., Williams, P.A. Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) (1994)
- Preliminary study on relationships among strains forming a bacterial community selected on naphthalene from a marine sediment. Tagger, S., Truffaut, N., Le Petit, J. Can. J. Microbiol. (1990)
- 3- and 4-alkylphenol degradation pathway in Pseudomonas sp. strain KL28: genetic organization of the lap gene cluster and substrate specificities of phenol hydroxylase and catechol 2,3-dioxygenase. Jeong, J.J., Kim, J.H., Kim, C.K., Hwang, I., Lee, K. Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) (2003)
- Conserved and hybrid meta-cleavage operons from PAH-degrading Burkholderia RP007. Laurie, A.D., Lloyd-Jones, G. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1999)
- Site directed chromosomal marking of a fluorescent pseudomonad isolated from the phytosphere of sugar beet; stability and potential for marker gene transfer. Bailey, M.J., Lilley, A.K., Thompson, I.P., Rainey, P.B., Ellis, R.J. Mol. Ecol. (1995)
- Continuous culture dynamics for aniline metabolism by Pseudomonas sp. CIT1. Thomas, S.M., Peretti, S.W. Biotechnol. Bioeng. (1998)
- New naphthalene-degrading marine Pseudomonas strains. García-Valdés, E., Cozar, E., Rotger, R., Lalucat, J., Ursing, J. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. (1988)
- Cloning of cmpE, a plasmid-borne catechol 2,3-dioxygenase-encoding gene from the aromatic- and chloroaromatic-degrading Pseudomonas sp. HV3. Yrjälä, K., Paulin, L., Kilpi, S., Romantschuk, M. Gene (1994)
- Mutants of Pseudomonas cepacia G4 defective in catabolism of aromatic compounds and trichloroethylene. Shields, M.S., Montgomery, S.O., Cuskey, S.M., Chapman, P.J., Pritchard, P.H. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. (1991)
- Simultaneous biodegradation of chlorobenzene and toluene by a Pseudomonas strain. Pettigrew, C.A., Haigler, B.E., Spain, J.C. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. (1991)
- Development of catechol 2,3-dioxygenase-specific primers for monitoring bioremediation by competitive quantitative PCR. Mesarch, M.B., Nakatsu, C.H., Nies, L. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. (2000)
- Molecular cloning and expression of a novel catechol 2,3-dioxygenase gene from the benzoate meta-cleavage pathway in Azotobacter vinelandii. Keil, H. J. Gen. Microbiol. (1990)
- Mass spectrometric mapping of the enzymes involved in the phenol degradation of an indigenous soil pseudomonad. Tsirogianni, I., Aivaliotis, M., Karas, M., Tsiotis, G. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (2004)